[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Samsung Galaxy S5 LTE Duos (G900FD/MD) (klteduos)

Device info https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/klteduos
Rom https://www.androidfilehost.com/?w=files&flid=300584

Please Note: This is an Untested build. Please try at your own risk.

Will there ever be Updates in the future, my lord of galaxy?

Pie update for Klteduos
Device info https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/klteduo


This is an untested build, so make a backup first and enjoy

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New unofficial Q-build for Klteduos.

It’s an untested build, so make a backup first and share your experience…

New Pie-and Q-builds for the S5 klteduos.
Backup your device before flashing. Share your experience for other E-users and enjoy.

New update eOS-Q for the S5 klteduos.
Including january security patch.

last post I found for klteduos
works fine so far on my device - installed it for testing (old smartphone I used previously)
First I got stuck in setup. That was solved after switching back to an older lineage installation - down from 18.1 used before to an older state of lineage 17.1
After that installing and setup with no problem :slight_smile: