Adding hotmail address to default Mail app

Hallo all, it’s my first post here. It’s related to default Mail app. I am trying to add hotmail account to it and I got na error:

“invalid_request: The provided value for the input parameter ‘redirect_url’ is not valid. The expected value is a URL which matches a redirect URL registered for this client application”

I pressed add account button and entered my email, then received info the configuration has been found. When I press next Mail opens address where above error is displayed.
I have two factor authentication on M$ account configured. Prior mail configuration I grnerated application password on my M$ account but I have no chancebto enter it…

Antoine van help, please?

I am using Fairphone 5 with 2.6.3-t OS

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It’ a known issue (which I’m facing too)

They claim to be fixed in e/os 2.7

When available for your device, please check and share your results.

I hope so. Good to know, thank you.

Update to 2.7 solved this problem :slight_smile:


Awesome news @czarny1975
Do you mind sharing the mail app version.


I am using default email client in version 6.711

weird, v2.7 for me is on Mail internally 6.719 - mostly it was about newly issued oauth clientid/secrets, not the App version itself that makes the difference. Glad it was done