Advanced privacy makes me secure?

Hi all.

I recently installed /e/ on my S9+. Very much like everything, as for a long time I wanted to have a google-protected phone.

Can you tell me if Advanced privacy really blocks all trackers and thus makes me protected or should I not download an app that has 3 or more trackers?
I use the bose music headset app, it is estimated that it has a huge number of trackers and permissions. now I understand that Bose leaks all the information to google while I am communicating through the headset. So, my question is does advanced privacy protect me or does it just show me which trackers are going where?

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Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

I don’t know if Advanced Privacy makes you more secure, but what I do know it blocks trackers, when turned on. You can then allow some trackers when this block makes the app work bad.

I thought /e/OS blocked trackers in the first place, so this new feature makes me unsure how privacy protected I am. I turned it off, though, because it interferes heavily with App Lounge, and probably with more apps. And another reason is that I want simple protection, preferably built-in so that I don’t need to worry about it.

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It’s my understanding that /e/ replaces connections (most of them, at least) from within the OS itself to Google’s servers, but user-installed apps with disrespectful privacy practices might introduce trackers that the OS doesn’t control (apart from micro-G’s protections).

That’s where Advanced Privacy or user-installed tracker-blocking apps take up the slack.


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Aha, thanks for the info