After Update Android 12 the Application Button is not working

I upgrade my Samsung S8 to Android 12 (2.6.3).
After the Upgrade the applicationbutton is not working like before. There is no list of the last used apps anymore. Any hints to fix thiy?
Merry Xmas!

Ahm … which one is the application button???

The square of the navigation bar

When the square button shows no list of recent apps one important reason could be that the developer option “Don’t keep activities” (under Apps) has been switched on. This option must be off to get the square button work as expected.

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Thank you. The developer options are enabled, but the point with the activities “Aktivitäten nicht speichern” is disabled.

And the behavior of the square has been changed with the update.

Is this about 2 button navigation vs 3 button navigation?

I didn’t change any settings after the upgrade. Where I can get back a 3 button navigation?

You could use the Search facility in Settings. I guess entering “3” is sufficient … or try “3-button navigation” or Navigation mode.

There is the section Navigation bar in Buttons.
There is “Back long press action”, “Home long press action”, “Home double tap action” and “Recents long press action”.
You can define “Recent apps switcher” e.g. for “Home double tap action”. The effect is: it don’t work. Other actions like “Launch Camera” work.
So I guess the action “Recent apps switcher” don’t work anymore. Neither as “Home double tap action” nor as the normal action for the Recents button.