App Lounge and MeWe

If my recollection isn’t faulty, MeWe’s privacy score had dropped awhile back.

It also seems to have disappeared from App Lounge search results. I have it installed. Should I look into this further?

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

I still see it listed in the search results, package name com.mewe ?

I could not find it at first on App Lounge … at the third attempt … log out “anonymoius” + log in again, I found the “Social” com.mewe … an exodus search seemed to find many similar named apps … but here is com.mewe

How odd. Logging out and back in does not seem to work. Searching com dot MeWe does, but would never have occurred to me, I did not know it was possible. I had already experimented with searching for a couple of my other installed apps by the app name, and it had worked. Thanks for the workarounds. Still a perplexing situation, though.

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