So, a strange thing has started happening on my phone and I’m wondering whether it’s to do with the fact that I’m not using the Google app store. I got locked out of WhatsApp because they suspected my account of spam. When I was reinstated, it will now not let me log in. I go through the welcome material and get to the ‘we’re going to send you a missed call’ bit and then I get a warning page flag up saying I’m not using an official, up to date version of whatsapp and I need to download it from the Google play store. Rather than do that I downloaded it direct from the whatsapp website, but I still keep going around the same loop. I thought it was just a problem with WhatsApp, but then my banking app has just done the same thing- told me I need to update and now won’t let me log in, just keeps saying I don’t have the latest version of the app.
Not very tech savvy and unsure of what to do! If you are kind enough to answer if you could tell me at if you were telling a total novice that would be really helpful!
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