I wonder if you have any means of ‘fooling’ bank appliccations that refuse to work with as they say ‘modified system’.
I have problems with few of them (Revolut and Citibank mobile app) while the other work fine.
Is there any way to run such apps bypasing restrictions?
I almost successfully started to use Wise in browser instead of app. 2FA is main issue. Wise force to use their app as 2FA.
I updated settings and made OTP password as a default 2FA instead. I still have wise app on another phone. Anyway Wise time to time force me to use Wise app regardless of my OTP settings.
Thank you @aibd, I read the thread and found there is no hope to have Revoult app working on e.OS in a predictable future.
I haven’t visited Revoult page for years, last time I’ve been ther it was only for registering new customer, downloading their app and see the exchange rates. Not real functionality for daily used banking app