I’ve been struggling to make calls on my device (Fairphone 5). I have signal, I can start a call, but it won’t even ring, it’ll just hang before eventually giving up. I’ve been trying to figure out what might be going wrong, I’ve reset network settings and it’s made no difference. Potentially there is also something wrong with receiving calls - I got a voicemail but don’t have any record of a missed call. Texts work fine, mobile data is fine, it’s just calling. Any ideas what might be going wrong?
Hmm can you check APN settings and set them manually?
And maybe write also which provider you have, etc. helps maybe get to the root cause
I’ve got 4 APNs to pick from, tried them all and no change. I can edit them manually or add a new one, any suggestions as to what to do?
Provider is smarty which goes through 3, if I recall correctly. I’m based in the UK.
Try regarding APN from this URL here. Not sure what you have, can’t tell if changing or adding is needed.
I’ve tried that and no joy unfortunately. I’ve also tried creating an APN from scratch per these instructions Setting up your phone to work abroad | SMARTY Help Centre but I don’t seem able to select the APN I’ve created?
You found the Save button in the right hand 3 dot menu at the step before?
Yes, the APN is saved.
Did you save a full set of apn as Using the internet after you’ve joined SMARTY | SMARTY Help Centre? AOSP phones will probably not accept “short” APN. Often said to be better to add + full APN than edit another.
Or do I misunderstand? If saved, can you describe way it cannot be selected?
Never mind, fixed that problem. I have tried adding a new APN, I have tried editing an existing APN, all according to my provider’s instructions. It doesn’t matter which one I’m using, the phone still won’t ring.
Does the Fairphone 5 support the bands? Can imagine it doesn’t but you never know.
I don’t think it’s a hardware problem? At least, this was never an issue prior to January, late December at the very earliest.