Carry old In-app purchases to /e/

Hi there!
I have a Samsung S7 phone and I would like to switch to /e/ os.

However, I’ve bought some in-app purchases that I really need, because I use these apps everyday in my student life (Pro version of an app);

Will I be able to get them once I’ve switched to /e/?

Thanks a lot!

I had partly success with sharing apk from a device with logged in google-play account. For this purpose I have “spare device” in my drawer… As I said, this methode doesn’t work for each of my payed apps - but for the most of them.

Oh all right, so you get the full apk with the data from the old device, and you moved it to your new device with /e/, that’s right? How did you do?

Yes, in short that’s what you have to do. As I said, it’s not possible for all kinds of apps you bought. Some of them check your google account to proof you paid. The data must be copied from /data/data/ via TWRP. Therefore your bootloader must be unlocked. More on this HERE.