Changing password for (ecloud account)

I can’t connect anymore to my ecloud account on my PC, so i wanted to change my ecloud password, from my PC . i receive a link on my linked mail after 10 minutes to initialise my password, but when i open the link i have a message that tell me the token is no more active. (i had this 2 tmes)

is it normal ? how can i reconnect to calendar,… on my PC ?

do i have to change it on the phone ?

ok no more problem, it worked on my third attempt.

I got an error:

Interne serverfout

De server was niet in staat je aanvraag te verwerken.

Stuur de hieronder afgebeelde technische details naar de serverbeheerder wanneer dit opnieuw gebeurt.

Meer details in de serverlogging,

Technische details

  • Extern adres: 2a10:3781:cc0:1:b8d3:9fc4:9ee:f584
  • Aanvraag ID: dfEYsg9zzIhmIvdQAh6V

It is working now after logout and trying again.

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