Desktop Icons and widget


I has installed /e/ on my Xiaomi Mi A1. It works very well, thx for it!

However I have a question. Is it possible to clean the desktop? I try to put the AppIcons to the right but it don‘t work. And is it possible to get a clock widget in the middle of the Desktop, like with LineageOS?

Cheers - Mike

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In Lineage we can clean the desktop because the icons are all arranged in the folder that you swipe up. In /e/ the icons we do not have a swipe up feature as yet. You can try and drag icons on to each other so they form a folder like arrangement. A folder containing similar icons. That way you can ‘clear’ the icons and may be place the clock in the center. Not exactly what you want but nearly there.


I found what you explained. That works for me. Thank you!

You can also install a third party launcher app such as Evie to get more advanced features. The /e/ Bliss Launcher is still in development but is designed to be simple to use.

I prefer total launcher. Give it a try and you will never use another :wink: