Does encryption work or not?

Hello everyone.

I wanted to clarify whether encryption works or not in /e/OS?

I ask this question because in my case the encryption installation does not work correctly. After installing the operating system and setting a password, I encrypt the operating system. I am asked to enter a password, then the Android logo appears, then some time passes and I am asked to enter a password again, I enter it and at the moment I have been waiting for 3 hours)) until the system boots. All this time I see the /e/OS logo and the bouncing ball.

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I’m asking because it was my impression that encryption is mandatory in halfway recent Android (including /e/OS) as well as halfway recent devices and should be present by default mostly.

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Thank you for your answer.

I am testing Galaxy S7 (/e/OS build : S stable) /e/OS stable herolte download

As for encryption, you could not clarify what you mean when you say that encryption is by default.

After installing the operating system, I go to the Security => Encryption & credentials => Encryption section and if the phone (data) is encrypted, the user sees the inscription Encrypted.

You can also look in the Privacy => Trust => Encryption (Enabled) section

According to Android documentation “All devices launching with Android 10 and higher are required to use file-based encryption.”

Prior to this full-disk encryption was used, and it wasn’t mandatory, so not enabled by default, which is what you describe.

I think it should work.
It worked on my Fairphone 2, which uses full-disk encryption, as long as I used /e/OS on it.

If it fails to activate (reboots unencrypted when you try encrypting) or fails to reboot successfully like in your case, you could try whether formatting the data partition helps.

(If it doesn’t work after formatting the data partition, the next troubleshooting steps I remember from early experiments with my Fairphone 2 were resizing the data partition and in most extreme cases destroying the LUKS header … Lineage 18.1 - finally official - #126 by AnotherElk - The Products - Fairphone Community Forum … proceed at your own risk, though.)

Thank you for your answer.

Perhaps we are talking about different encryption, I am talking about the situation when in the Trust section I see Encryption (Enabled) and not the situation when I entered the password and the phone asks for the password when turning on the phone.

In fact, before installing a new operating system, I delete and format everything. Yes, you are right that encryption should be by default, but in my case and in this stable version it is not, so I do it manually. But as I understand it, this does not work correctly, since the phone boot after encryption should not last so long.

It would be great to know the opinion of other users, it seems to me that these are basic precautions for each user, I mean encryption.

It’s a pity that this phone model does not support phone encryption by default!