Does it make sense to use Googled apps on e/OS?

Hi there,

I’m not sure this is the right section to ask this, and maybe this is a dumb question, but anyway I was wondering :

I am considering to start using e/OS on my phone, but I need to still use Google Maps and Spotify as I really can’t get rid of those apps right now. I’ve checked alternative apps but they’re just not efficient enough for me for the use that I have.

So I wonder if it would not be actually pointless to switch to e/OS while still using those huge Googled apps?

What do you reckon?

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Hi @Shauzia welcome to the /e/ forum.

Well yes it does seem pointless … but you could always try ??

You might find that you could use certain Google “bits” from the Browser rather than install the app.

Its a good start to use /e/-Murena while still making a trade-off on still using those both apps.
To mitigate the loss of private data, you can use the GMaps WV app without an account as said below. Do not log anywhere with a google account. Regarding Soundcloud, if you pay for a subscrition, then it is less likely that they sell your data to third party to maximize their profit, although the opposite is unfortunately also true. To /e/ OS advanced privacy tracker filtering will help removing third party data leak but will not prevent the app editor itself to do whatever they want with your most intimate data, especially if you give them more info by logging in with an account.

You can try different apps to replace the two from google that your are still using today:
For maps:

  • Magic Earth-/e/ OS maps, has live traffic data and good directions and all maps in the world can be dowloaded for offline.
  • Organic map is another alternative without live traffic data and without topographic contour lines and hill shades
  • Osmand~ from AppLounge or Fdroid has very advanced features, OffLine topographic maps with hill shades, contour lines and even 3D.
  • GMapsWV will really appeal to you, it is an improved web shortcut to the browser version of google maps, it allows you to find the few places that do not show in the above apps that use the open street map data base.

Regarding music, you can use:

  • RadioDroid from app lounge
  • Download your music from anywhere like youtube-to-mp3 and use the normal music app that has good shuffle option.

Thank you for your answers.

Does it limit Google from collecting personnal datas when used from a browser rather than the app?

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Well … yes, imho … the browser can transmit only so much, and /e/OS provides Advanced Privacy which helps to limit even this.


Again imho, an app is an open invitation to collect everything possible; especially if one has to sign in to Google in order to use such app.

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It is always advised to use web-site equivalents instead of dowloaded apps as it is easier for the web-browser to apply trackers filtering (but you have to know that ublock origin and privacy badgers extensions/modules must be installed for better tracking protection than just firefox default one. Obviously, do not use Chrome or Edge).

Although, with the advanced privacy system, the two cases are now closer. What is important to bear in mind is that as soon as you connect, you give more information. And even without connecting, you still allow the editor to do whatever they want with your very intimate data and even with tracking protection.
For example, using the google map website with the geolocation reading ON will inform google of where you live or work, or go shopping, or where your children and girlfriend live, etc. Just typing an address or a shop name is already giving a lot of valuable data to google.
Even without logging, google is smartly designed and will track you one way or another. By using all those systems, you make your personal data a little harder to get and less linked to other data, hence less valuable to them. Still if there is some value of following the few users that use all those protection, then I guess that it is implemented

So, in the end, the best is to avoid the services of the monopolistic companies that are dangerous because simply too big (they do provide excellent services).
When possible, pay for a subscription, like the cloud one of murena. I don’t know the privacy policy of soundcloud, there is a small probability that they are honest regarding privacy of their clients who pay a subscription.


I use Newpipe for music. Just search the artist and in my case select option “Album” and then I listen to the music commercial free. Just to be clear all content is commercial free.

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Google Maps works perfectly on e/OS and you can use it without logging in! That way, nothing of your movements are stored. Since I’m rooted I also limit it’s tracking abilities by using XPrivacyLua, AppOps and TrackerControl. It’s with mixed feelings, but hell, nothing even compares to Maps. The only Google app I use.

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Hi Shauzia,
Few weeks ago, I wondered as well, and finally I took the leap to eOS… I am new here (that’s my first comment on the forum), not really an expert in tech. And i have no regret.
I still use few Google Apps some time to time, i am clearly not as strict on privacy as other contributors I have read. But I believe in the model that Murena proposes, and I want to support them. This is my way to do it, and doing so, I also start to take new habits, step by step, try several alternative. Sometimes the alternative are fine to me, and that’s a victory over Google. Sometimes I find out Google proposes a service I can’t replace for now… so I wait. But still by supporting Murena I feel I am doing something good. Not perfect for now, but better than nothing!

Here’s the thing. Something to improve your privacy is better than nothing. Using Google Maps and Spotify will certainly cause major data leaks. But /e/OS will still protect you from many others. Privacy is not all or nothing. It’s about what you’re comfortable with sharing.

Spotify is certainly tracking every song you listen to and everything you search for, then selling it to the highest bidder. But with /e/OS’s advanced privacy features, it likely can’t see much of what you do outside the app.

Google maps is the same situation. I consider location data to be one of the most problematic things to have shared, but I’ve had to use Google Maps for work before. I was allowed to use other apps, but none of them could actually find all the addresses I needed. I’m my case, I pulled out my old phone with a stock rom and used that. Do keep in mind that Google Maps may not work correctly. I haven’t tested it running through microG. Hopefully the Overture Maps Foundation will succeed and solve the issue, but that’s a few years out at least.

I also have a few other apps that invade my privacy. A lot of the data breaches are blocked by /e/OS, but certainly not all of them. Others are right that using a browser whenever possible is better, but navigation apps don’t always work correctly.

TLDR: Some privacy is better than no privacy. /e/OS will certainly improve your privacy, even if you choose to use a few very unprivate apps.

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For Google Maps, I advice you to use Here WeGo. I think it is the best alternative. However, we must admit that Magic Maps is not really reliable.

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I understand that it’s always better to do something to improve privacy than nothing, and that making new habits is something that takes a while to change. That’s a good thing to bear in mind, thanks for the reminder.

For Spotify (I am using a modded version so I have a free premium account - I don’t know if it changes anything), if the tracking is only related to the music I’m listening, I’m not bothered by it really. And if with e/OS’s advanced privacy features the tracking would not really be able to see what I do outside of the app, then I would continue to use Spotify for now I think.

Google Maps is a harder one, and the idea to stop using it is quite a hard pill to swallow. I’ve looked over OsmAnd and it doesn’t seem so bad, but definitely still less convenient that GM.
I’m thinking of trying to use OsmAnd more, and if I really need to check something on GM to do it on Tor browser. I’ve never heard of HERE WeGo before, is it as safe as OsmAnd?

As i remember, it was created by Nokia long time ago and was embeded in many car nav system in the past.

you could use the shelter app to put a google app (or other apps) in a container and isolate such apps from your contact data or alike. Not all Gapps will work with shelter, but some will.

if possible, you could also block apps from accessing the internet with firewall apps like AFWall+ | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

you could remove certain permissions from apps (like microphone, location information, contacts etc.) but maybe there will reduced functionality of those apps.

In general I ask myself if there is really no alternative to a specific Google app and if there isn’t , maybe simply not using a Gapp, even if it means to loose some functionality.


Osmand is good mostly if you like hiking or outdoor sports with offline maps, or advanced features like modifying the open street map data base from osmand itself.
Osmand also shows the opening hours of shops, which Magic Earth doesn’t.

However, Magic Earth (/e/OS maps) is much easier to use as a standard navigation app, the interface is faster and the search function much more usable than the one of Osmand even if not as good as google maps. The main advantage of Magic Earth over Osmand is the live trafic data and automatic rerouting like waze.

If you cannot find a place or a shop in Magic Earth, then simply add a point of interest in the open street map database. This is very easy to do and it will show up in the map after ~3weeks. This will help you and the other users :slight_smile:


(Thank you, new pipe is perfect !)

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Translated with ChatGPT:

Hi! This time of year is challenging for keeping up with the forum, but I’ve bookmarked this post to share my opinion.

To me, it doesn’t make sense to use GApps and have /e/OS because the whole idea is to have a de-Googled phone. But on the other hand, we live in the real world, and Google owns the entire Android ecosystem, so it’s hard to completely escape it.

In my specific case, I don’t have any GApps and barely use proprietary software: I use WhatsApp, banking apps, and a few government apps from Argentina. I don’t use Gmail as my personal email; if I did, I wouldn’t use the Gmail client but another one instead. I have a Google Workspace account for work, but I manage it from my computer. If one day I’m required to have it on my phone, I’ll ask for a phone just for that.

What I miss is Google Maps. Recently, I was traveling in the province of Misiones, Argentina, with my parents, and we missed Android Auto because of how practical it is to see the map on the car’s screen. But we were still able to get around using Organic Maps. :slight_smile: However, when I travel to Buenos Aires and need public transport information, I miss Google Maps there as well. For everything else, not at all.

Living without Google Apps and with fewer proprietary apps extends the lifespan of my phone, and that’s something very valuable to me.

But it all depends on how you use your phone. As I mentioned, in my case, I can live without GApps on my phone. That doesn’t mean I don’t use them, but my use of GApps is limited to my computer.

I did not know this one, it seems to be a nice alternative. I will give it a try for few weeks! Thanks a lot @spider!

Don’t worry. You will see that you will not be able to quit this app when you’ll have installed it because it is so good !

Juste a thing : before using this app, disable tracket control for this app in Advanced Privacy. Else, app may not usable. After, you can also disable tracker in About menu.

Good luck :smile:

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