Fairphone 5 crashs while quick charging at exactly 80%

Dear All,
I have noticed a strange behaviour on my Fairphone 5 with latest /e/OS.
I am pretty sure it started with the release of v2.4-t, where the random crash has been fixed for me and quick charge was “improved”.
Since then my phone is crashing at exactly 80% when plugged into a quick charger. But not with all of them.
It does not crash to any error message or mode. It simply turns off and needs to be turned on again by pressing the power button. Once it has more than 80% of power, it will charge up to 100%.

Does any of you have the same issue?
I could not find a similar posting in this very forum.

Do you have any battery monitoring apps installed? I don’t know if it’s the issue here, but I know some of them take action (like an alert) at 80% by default.

No such app installed. I have very few apps at all.