FP3+: Strange Behaviour


my phone is on /e/OS 1.6-20221129238947 (Android 11).

Last night I switched it off.
When trying to boot it this morning by long pressing the power button it just fired up the torch but did not start.
After several retries I took out the battery.
That did the trick, it booted then.

Now, I see in the battery usage that I supposedly fully charged it 23 days ago, though the charging graph starts some three days ago (which is correct), and the rest of the space before is empty.

Makes me wonder…

This could mean that the phone wasn’t switched off but rebooted, which can happen, I’ve seen this myself occasionally (only noticeable by paying attention to the screen for a short while after the phone was supposed to switch off).

The torch would then have been lit according to Settings - System - Buttons - Long press for torch.

Can you provide a screenshot?

Well, I think it was off.
No reaction on short pressing the power button, no SIM prompt or else, black screen.
At least the battery graph shows it was off.

Here we go:

It’s a little bit similar to that one, though it is not outside the graph space.

Now it starts getting a little weirder.
The newly displayed battery usage after charging looks like that:

Update:It still does this weired thing, meanwhile even weirder as the graph is outside the box and it shows different views in landscape and portrait modes:

I noticed the same thing on two different devices (Teracube 2e in e-1.7 stable & Moto G5 in e-1.5 dev). Both displayed the same kind of graphics, which begins at the date of the release.
Maybe some kind of time stamp integrated in these release. I don’t really understand, if due to the releases and happens on some different phones it should has been identified sooner.

Hi Fabien,

could you provide screenshots?

Meanwhile the behaviour of my phone has normalized, as far as I can see now.
It is on 1.7 since Jan 10th.

Does this issue still occur? I had reported this on GitLab a while ago, but closed the report since the problem seemed to have vanished (for me). If needed, I can re-open the issue. Feel free to commend there too.

No such fun in the box for now.