[HOWTO] Email Configurations - to configure /e/ on most email clients

A mail with the details on what setting to use while configuring your email client is sent when you open an e account. In case you lost it the settings are repeated here…

Server-settings are:
IMAP: mail.ecloud.global:993
SMTP: mail.ecloud.global:587
Username: yourname@e.email
Password: yourpassword

A link to the Email configuration page is given here


Hi, I’m trying to set up e.mail in Apple Mail client (Mac), but it doesn’t seem to work. I also tried the server settings you mention, even the https://autoconfig.ecloud.global/ website mentioned in the page (error message is given), but nothing. Mail app says: name or password couldn’t be verified. Any ideas?
these are the data requested by the Mail app:
. E-mail adress
. Name
. Password
. Account type: IMAP (I assume)
. Incomming mail server
. Outgoing mail server

Hi @graz, are you able to log in to https://ecloud.global/index.php/login with you email id and password?
The id would be the complete name in the format john.doe@e.email

Do not have a Mac so not able to test this but the details for the mail client should also be the same as given above …for e.g

Were you able to try this

Hi @Manoj , yes I’m able to login to ecloud and also tried those server names, as well as the same names without 993 and adding .com (mail.ecloud.global.com) and mail.ecloud.global and could’t advance

Your issue looks like another one that hasn’t been solved.


Let me pass this to the dev team and have someone check it out.

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It seems that I manage to mess up my email settings totally. I hope someone can help me.

I have been using IKI service for years and would like to do also in future, if it is possible.

The Internet Users Forever IKI is a non-profit society which provides its members, private individuals in Finland, permanent iki.fi-addresses with e-mail and WWW forwarding (IKI does not host the web pages or offer internet services, it just forwards the addresses)."
"This allows our members to keep the same personal identity should the actual location or ISP of their e-mail or www homepages change.

I am able to forward emails sent to my @iki.fi -address to e.email -mailbox, but how do I send email from e.email -mailbox so that the recipient would see that it is sent from iki.fi -address?

Iki.fi tells how to configurate SMTP-server
Konfiguroi lähtevän postin ”SMTP Server” tai ”SMTP palvelin” kohtaan seuraavat tiedot
Palvelimen nimi / hostname: smtp.iki.fi
Käyttäjätunnus / account: iki-aliaksesi esim. erkkie (eli osuus ennen @iki.fi kohtaa omassa sähköpostiosoitteessasi)
Salasana: Salasana joka on luotu jäsenrekisterissä
Monet ohjelmat selvittävät automaattisesti muut asetukset, jos ne tarvitsee syöttää käsin, käytä seuraavia asetuksia:
Tunnistus / autentikaatio: Password
Portti 587 (varalla 465). Portti 25 ei ole käytössä (se on useimmissa paikoissa estetty, yhteys saattaisi olla salaamaton mitä ei haluta hyväksyä).
Yhteyden suojaus / salaus: SMTPS, StartTLS tai TLS/SSL

I could change hostname from mail.ecloud.global to smtp.iki.fi, but couldn’t find where to change account and password (STARTTLS and SMTP port was not required to be changed as they were same in both).

So the first question: Is it possible to configurate SMTP-server so that it would be possible to do what I try to do?

Then I tried to restore settings. I put back hostname mail.ecloud.global. (that was the only setting I changed), but I can’t send an email any more??? (even though the settings are exactly the same than 30 minutes before, when it worked???)

Error message is : no valid recipients.

I tried even to reply a message (so I couldn’t mistype the recipient), but error message is still the same and sending mail is not possible. It is possible still to receive email to e.email -account.

So the second question is: Why it is not possible to send an email even though I have exactly these settings?


Hi @Hannu have passed the query to the dev team members. Will share their response once I receive it.

May I suggest that you just configure the mail app based on your email providers settings (adding a second account) and not change the e.email (or optionally remove it if you never want to send from it) and configure e.email to forward to the other address. That is way more consistent and less error prone then query e.email while sending from another outbound address. And the effect is the same.

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Thank you Thilo and Manoj,

I did what you suggested and managed to restore settings.

is there a possibility to configure my /e/ mail with POP?
(on computer, of course) Could be handy for some people…

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