The e/OS build I use (e_tissot-userdebug 10 QQ3A.200805.001 eng.root.20220528.000306 dev-keys,dev-release) shows IMEI 0 and IMEI SV 00 for the 1st SIM and unknown for the 2nd SIM. While the phone works with both SIMs (voice and data), I still stumble on issues because of this: repair services don’t accept the phone, I don’t have data when rooming in some countries and no voice service in other contries.
Is there a way to restore the original IMEIs, at least for Xiaomi Mi A1?
From what I’ve read, is not uncommon for e/murena users to have their IMEI lost after flushing this OS, but is there a guide to recover these codes or tools to restore them (eg. extend “developer options” with support for this legal action if the owner has written the codes before flashing/resetting these fields)?