Ip Adress with secure ports in my Network, do not work

I’m not sure, but when I try to open an internal ip adress with port 8443, browser is not opening it. I assume that is beacuse it seams to be not secure. I tried with https and http but both dosnt work. the Port is fix and I don’t want to change it.

On my desktop ti works fine.

Is there a setting that I have to change?

Maybe the redirect to a insecure site is not working. Can this be?

What are you actually trying to access on your network? Config page of your router? Some more details would be great.

Accessing internal addresses works fine for me here. Adding https:// won’t change anything as your internal sites probably won’t have a signed certificate.

But Browser should redirect me and not just telling me something is wrong.

It try to load for example, openhab, unifi controller etc…

But some are working my ccu (this do not have any port at the end). Nextcloud is also working but this is because I change the htaccess file I believe.

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