Is there a command to make sure that i can install e/OS on my FP5?

Hey there, i read the wiki on installing e/OS to fp5 and the trickiness with the anti-rollback feature. Right now my stock installation says that it has security update jan5 2025, which is higher than the version given on the installation guide, however it also says, that if the bootloader is unlocked the index will not get updated. Now I unlocked the bootloader before the security update came but i want to make double sure that i can install e/OS without bricking it.
Someone said that if i get

❯ fastboot flashing get_unlock_ability
(bootloader) get_unlock_ability: 1

then it is fine and save to do, is that true?

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You can install. To avoid brick just not lock bootloader back. My knowledge is limited.
Keeping open bootloader can avoid brick, but do not leave your phone unprotected since its open to many security attacks.

He can also lock the bootloader after an update of e/OS/ and getting the same security patch, but it will wipe his data when he locks it. Everything until then wouls be lost

Only if the attaker have the device in his hands…

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There is no such command. One just needs to read and understand the anti-rollback “rules” and consequences.

This is saying that if one does not plan to lock the bootloader, then anti-rollback will not be an issue.