Murena shop and no help autoteply

I got nowhere on the Murena site: Here’s what I wrote the helpdesk for the site after being rejected by ‘noreply’. But if anyone here, preferably from Murena can answer, I’d feel better.
This ” This email address is not monitored” as an auto-reply to the address in your shop is NOT OK.
Here’s my question, which concerns info on your shop site:
Almost hate to ask such a simple question, but I just can’t seem to find the info on your site!

What are the ram and storage sizes for the Fairphone 5 /e/os phones? Is
it the case that the 256GB storage option implies 8Gb ram and the 128
storage option implies 6.

For what its worth, I’d prefer 8gb ram and 128GB storage.

I will buy a new Fairphone, but I’m a slow, careful buyer (and I’m waiting
for your workspace to be fixed as it looks like a smart feature!)

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Hello @jakofields,
Welcome to the /e/OS forum.

I do not think that you can order your desired configuration of 8 GByte RAM and 128 GByte storage. If you look at the Fairphone site at Fairphone 5 | Fairphone, you may see that you can only choose between 6 GByte RAM and 128 GByte storage and 8 GByte RAM and 256 GByte storage. As the Fairphones sold on Murena are just Fairphones with /e/OS installed, there are not (most probably) any Fairphone 5 with 8 GByte RAM and 128 GByte storage. (For what it’s worth, I would suggest to buy the phone with 8 GByte RAM because it is more future-proof to have more RAM.)

If you want to contact Murena, you may use the contact form at Contact Us (you probably should select “A product I’m interested in”).

@Manoj Can you forward to the Murena crew that the email addresses on should be removed if not monitored anymore, and a link to the contact form should be provided instead? Moreover, the configuration for Fairphone 5 at should include the RAM.

Hi @Tentos and @Manoj !
Thanks for your replies. Yes, I want 8gb ram, but not necessarily the 256 storage. Have managed with 64 for a loooong time. The info given in the specs is unclear, simply that all options are available, but in no particular order.
I’d be happy to send the an email about the autoreply, but to which email that they actually monitor?

You should be able to contact the Murena team by opening the following link: Contact Us
Scroll down, there is a contact form that should be monitored by the Murena team.

Been there done that, same response :cry:

I am sorry, I misunderstood your previous reply.

@Manoj Can you help?

I see that you have sent two email to the helpdesk. One is still active and have asked the team to respond.The feedback to add more details to the auto reply has been passed on.
Coming to the configuration on the device, on smartphones as you may be aware we cannot mix and match and come up with a configuration that suits our requirements. We have to go with the options available in the shop.

Ok, great thanks for the help! I see now the second reply is different. The specific configurations available are nowhere on the shop site. That’s the problem, aside from the first reply that I would not get a reply. Here’s what the specs on the site say:

Internal storage 256GB and 128GB

As you can see, there’s nothing concerning there are only two ram/storage options where logically there are four, and when one chooses a phone for the cart, only a storage option is available.