Music streaming : are they all tracking us?

MusicPiped works but it’s a bit buggy.

Just tested NewPipe’s SoundCloud integration (beta-feature) — it plays! The GUI and mechanics are terrible for the moment, but it works at least.

Shame on me: I am an Apple Music subscriber

Does Apple Music work on /e/?
Thanks for feedback

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Not so much shame, if the app isolated properly.

Newpipe is pretty amazing, I’ve been using it for a while now. But for videos,not for music library.

Like you I was using Newpipe from years but during the last weeks it was not working. I am trying to install latest version but no way I have a message that the authorisation are missing??? Same message with all versions

it is working fine for me, using version 0.18.3 on a test version of Pie

Working fine as well for me now. 0.18.4!

/e/ user

    February 28

it is working fine for me, using version 0.18.3 on a test version of Pie

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/e/ user

    February 27

Like you I was using Newpipe from years but during the last weeks it was not working. I am trying to install latest version but no way I have a message that the authorisation are missing??? Same message with all versions

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Mastodon, Diaspora, PeerTube… : des alternatives « libres » face aux Gafam géants du Net et à leur monde orwellien…

Un bloqueur de pub nous épargne une navigation lente et encombrée, et lutte contre la surveillance publicitaire, le gaspillage d’énergie et la surconsommation.

La publicité en s’introduisant partout : dans la rue, dans les médias et jusque dans nos poches, fait de nous des consommateurs à temps plein.

Elle influe notre perception du monde en exacerbant les clichés de toute nature et en polluant nos pensées et nos rêves.

Blade, the only open-sourced Spotify/Deezer client I know, has been suddenly updated first time in a year and a half and now available in Goolag Play with no trackers inside!

The Blade app looks half-dead, but seems like I’ve discovered something much better – Freezer. This is an up-to-date third-party client for Deezer, with open source code and some small piracy features.


are you still satisfied of freezer ?
why isn’t it on F-Droid, /e/ App or aurora store ?
(i’d like to know about trackers and permissions before installing it).

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TrackerControl allows to monitor and control hidden data collection in apps.
This may help.

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Freezer is dead. But you can still use various modifications of the official Deezer app to minimize tracking.

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I have Deezer installed.
Can you tell me what could i do to minimize tracking, if you know/remember ?
(i use DoH, so i can’t block trackers with TrackerControl).

I am an Apple Music subscriber as well (for now). They pay the highest fees to artists from all the known streaming services and with AdGuard installed, I see no advertising. It works very well on /e/, including seeing the lyrics, which I greatly miss on my Linux computer (where I listen via web).

I can’t remember if I installed it on /e/ via Apps, apkeep, or F-Droid, but at worst case, Aurora has it, via anonymous download.

Why is freezer dead? i use it every day… Also have Apple music installed, but prefer freezer :joy:

As external aids, the XPrivacyLua and AdAway are useful when DoH/VPN are deployed. But there is an option to use modified versions of the applications where telemetry and all junk are forcibly turned off.

Development is suspended, websites have vanished, new releases are not expected.

Oh did not know freezer development stopped… It stil works, but thats really sad. I pay for Apple music, but don’t like the app. It has 2 trackers, and don.t like the GUI. Time for an open source music client.

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I am a fan of Tracker Control.

TrackerControl is an Android app that allows users to monitor and control the widespread, ongoing, hidden data collection in mobile apps about user behaviour (‘tracking’).

To detect tracking, TrackerControl combines the power of the Disconnect blocklist, used by Firefox, and our in-house blocklist is used, created from analysing ~2 000 000 apps! Additionally, TrackerControl supports custom blocklists and uses the signatures from ClassyShark3xodus/Exodus Privacy for the analysis of tracker libraries within app code.

Spotify Lite is also an option to use.