My FP4 migration is blocked using EasyInstaller

Back again for a new problem using Easy Installer - v0.21.2 : this application remains on the stage “Detection of device” since 2 hours, without evoluting
I guess that something is going wrong, but what ?

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

it is a buggy toy, better is to follow the script-install instructions :

Install /e/OS on a Fairphone FP4 - “FP4”

Salut Piero
Je pense que tu es français alors je vais m’exprimer dans cette langue.
J’ai utilisé le script d’installation que tu m’as indiqué. Je suis arrivé à l’étape 6 : Ask for unlock with fastboot flashing unlock; j’ai tapé cette commande dans ma console debian et celle-ci me répond qu’elle attend une information concernant l’appareil :
$ fastboot flashing unlock
< waiting for any device >
J’ai appuyé sur les boutons Volume+ puis Power. Mais il ne se passe rien ni sur le FP4 ni sur la console.
As-tu une idée sur la démarche à suivre ?

Most often seen in Windows, you don’t say.

This page was written for Easy Installer, but it is the same issue for script install Easy Installer - FAQ. The FP3 solution works just the same for FP4.

The Windows drivers that work for your regular phone do not work when the phone is in Fastboot mode. You need a “Combination driver”.

Boot the phone to Fastboot mode and check if it has become a :warning: “Problem device” in Windows device manager. Windows update should now find the correct driver.

Thanks but I’m working with a linux/deb PC.

So when you installed platform tools, maybe you used this page SDK Platform Tools release notes  |  Android Studio  |  Android Developers, but Linux needs fully set up as documented on a different page now Set up a device for development

Ubuntu Linux: Set up the following:

  • Each user that wants to use ADB needs to be in the plugdev group. If you see an error message that says you’re not in the plugdev group, add yourself to it using the following command:
sudo usermod -aG plugdev $LOGNAME

Groups only update on login, so you must log out for this change to take effect. When you log back in, you can use id to check that you’re in the plugdev group.

  • The system needs to have udev rules installed that cover the device. The android-sdk-platform-tools-common package contains a community-maintained default set of udev rules for Android devices. To install it, use the following command:
apt-get install android-sdk-platform-tools-common

… or what is output of

fastboot --version

You already did

  • Enable USB debugging on your device. You can find the instructions here
  • Your device requires a code to unlock the bootloader. Get the code here before proceeding with the next steps
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Une solution “vite torchée” peut être d’extraire le contenu du IMG-e- .zip dans le dossier “/platform-tools” si tu en a un.

Une autre plus orthodoxe serait de suivre les indications de @aibd

Ou celles indiqué dans les instructions officielles Installing adb and fastboot on a Linux PC

I followed your instructions. On stage 7, the device proceeded with a factory reset, and automatically rebooted. On stage 8, I reboot again into bootloader on my PC but it blocks again :
$ adb reboot bootloader
error: no devices/emulators found
In the same time, the device invites me to begin configuring.
What must I do ?

Salut Piero
J’ai suivi les instructions de @aibd; j’ai aussi appliqué ta solution “vite torchée”.
J’en suis à l’étape 8, j’ai rebouté sur ma console linux mais ça bloque derechef :
$ adb reboot bootloader
error: no devices/emulators found
En même temps, sur mon FP4 qui a bien rebooté en configuration usine, j’ai un écran qui m’invite à commencer à le paramétrer.
Y-a-t’il quelque chose de particulier à faire ou je peux passer à l’étape 9 : Unlock critical with fastboot flashing unlock_critical ?

Il faut poursuivre en esquivant / desactivant un maximum de fonction proposées,

Ensuite, je ne conseille pas de reverrouiller le bootloader, mais chacun doit en juger en rapport avec sa situation (Android Security Patch date of /e/OS doit être plus recent que Android Security Patch date of FairphoneOS precedemment installé) car sinon, il y a risque de bricker l’appareil…
et avec ses desirs de souplesse ou pas

une fois totalement démarré, tu dois reactiver les options developpeurs et USB debugging
Pour retourner en mode fastboot et reverrouiller le bootloader

Configuring what ? /e/OS or Fairphone OS ?

Perhaps also you need to know that after Factory reset you must enable USB debugging again.

A suggestion … when you get the result error: no devices/emulators found it is a good idea to do next

adb devices

then you will know if the reaction is to a “difficult situation” or whether the phone actually cannot “talk adb” at this time.

Similarly if you ask for help, include the extra line adb devices, perhaps.

configuring Fairphone OS; it looks like a google menu

$ adb devices
List of devices attached

The list is empty !

$ man -k devices
devices : rien d’adéquat

Nothing suitable !

To enable USB debugging again, I don’t have any access to parameters; I need to configure FP4 as I’m wanted by the device, need I ?

So it is most likely USB debugging, did you check ?

Yes, you will need to get into a working OS again.

Actually, USB debugging was locked.
Stage 9 OK; the device rebooted after a factory reset.
I’m now proceeding to install /e/OS
Stage 1, 2 & 3 performed.
Stage 4 : I’m blocked again :
~/platform-tools$ chmod +x && ./

*** Fairphone 4 flashing script ***

INFO: The procedure will start soon. Please wait…
Note that this will detect and flash only on FP4 device.
INFO: You are using a Linux distribution.
INFO: Looking for connected device(s)…

WARNING: No Fairphone 4 found in fastboot mode.
WARNING: Make sure that a Fairphone 4 is connected.

Is USB debugging unable again ?

This is an every time thing …

Hello aibd
I run again the script :
$ adb reboot bootloader
$ fastboot flashing unlock

FAILED (remote: Device already : unlocked!)
finished. total time: 0.000s
dessort@hp-820-g3:~$ fastboot flashing unlock_critical

FAILED (remote: Device already : unlocked!)
finished. total time: 0.000s
$ cd platform-tools
platform-tools$ chmod +x && ./

*** Fairphone 4 flashing script ***

INFO: The procedure will start soon. Please wait…
Note that this will detect and flash only on FP4 device.
INFO: You are using a Linux distribution.
INFO: Looking for connected device(s)…

WARNING: No Fairphone 4 found in fastboot mode.
WARNING: Make sure that a Fairphone 4 is connected.

I checked and FP4 is actually connected and USB debugging enabled and bootloader enabled.
Is there anything else wrong ?

I looked for a link of a thread I seem to remember but cannot find.

There seemed evidence that a similar error occurred if fastboot is not in your $PATH.

Might this apply to your PC ? Method here Add the path to you PC configuration.

I added the path to platform-tools in my PC configuration, according e/OS doc “Installing adb and fastboot on a Linux PC”.
I checked :

the command “adb devices” runs :
~$ adb devices
List of devices attached
b0be97bc device
the command “fastboot devices” doesn’t give any answer.
Does that seem right to you ?

Then, I performed again the steps 1 to 8 of the procedure. I ran the command above :
$ fastboot flashing unlock
FAILED (remote: ’ Device already : unlocked!')
fastboot: error: Command failed
$ fastboot flashing unlock_critical
< waiting for any device >

And I’m steel waiting !
Anything else wrong ?

The test

fastboot devices

should be tried only with the phone in Fastboot mode. Is this what you tried?

This link demonstrates the Bootloader or Fastboot mode screen and also the lock status

Does your screen show the device as unlocked?

Once successfully unlocked (both regular and critical) you won’t have to should not run unlock commands again.

As some time has gone by, I guess you should reassure yourself again

… by which you meant enable OEM unlock