Networks turned off but stille have network

At night I manually turn of WiFi and data connection on my Fairphone 3+ but I still receive e-mail and it’s also possible to browse the internet.

Using air plane mode puts down all connection.

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I tried to reproduce this, but didn’t succeed. FP3+, wifi off, mobile data off: can’t browse internet, don’t receive email.

Today it happened again and I made two screenshots. WiFi and LTE turned off, but VPN is active and connected with internet. I am not sure but I think its the data connection which stays active.

Hmmmm… interesting. For your info, I also run ProtonVPN (always auto connected by default) and when I put my phone S9+ eOS Q into airplane mode, ALL connections are paused and my ProtonVPN goes from green to orange text and says “Waiting for usable network”. Then I just clicked airplane mode to again and VPN text went back to green and “Connected”

Did you try to disable SIM #2 ?

Thank you for this advice. No I did not. I will turn data on my sim2 off. See what will happen.

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