No notifications

Hi there.

I use /e/ with a OnePlus One. There is a bigger problem with the notifications of messenger apps. I’ve installed Threema, Wire, Signal, Talon (Twitter Client) and Telegram.

Telegram is the only messenger who works properly. All other clients are showing no notifications. I’ve to start these apps to get my messages and the notifications are appears during this.

I have set all these apps away from power saving mode and also the MicroG services are running without power saving.

What can I also do?

Is G%§$e Cloud Messaging enabled in the microG settings?

Hi Paula,

Yes, it’s activated for 19 Apps here (including all of the messaging apps).

About which version are we talking v1-beta or v2-beta ??

Currently I use the 0.1-201811272100

If I take a look at the developer mode and there at the active services I can’t see these apps running her background services.

OK, I’m on V2-beta. But it must be a device specific issue, because no other has reported the same issue.
And you really have shutoff the battery optimzing and has allowed all notifications ? And has allowed to use background data / aktivities ?

Yes, they all activated. Booth battery optimizing and notifications. Also the background data usage is activated. I’ve double check this now.

The problem is, as I mentioned earlier, that these apps has no background services running. So I believe they are getting no notifications and messages.

OK, have you tried flashing an older version ? in your data/lineageos_updates/ are the older zip files which you can flash via twrp. try an older one pls.

These problem I have since I do my first flash of these phone two weeks before. So I believe a flash to 0.2 is a better option.

I have take a look at the device downloads. But there are no 0.2 build for the OnePlus One. What I’ve overseen there?

please have a look here
Your device does have a V2-beta available

Sorry, you are right. There is no v2 for your phone in the moment.

So I can call my issue a bug? Because no background services running for messaging apps?

yess please create one

Okay. Then I create a issue there.

Issue is now open

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Any news here?
I am using /e/ 0.1-201901252826 on my Fairphone 2. As messenger I use Wire 3.25.685. It is working fine but wire do not show me notifications about incoming messages. I am using microG.

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Hello, did someone find solution? I have purchased your S9 and have the same issues.


I use Wire with the recent version of /e/ on my OnePlus One. The recent update of Wire brings a special background service who pulls the messages. For now, I haven’t any troubles here.

Could you please give a hint which Wire version it is?

Does it mean if under microG Google Cloud Messaging is available for an app that there will be a connection to the google server, which provides the push service?

I’m just asking because apps like Telegram and Signal have proper notifications without any G services.