[SOLVED] Oneplus 6 - No access to system after installing /e/ OS


When I reboot after installing /e/ OS, I am taken to the fastboot menu, where I can only access recovery mode. The green start button, which would normally boot me into the system, just takes me back to the fastboot menu. when I boot into recovery, I am taken to LineageOS recovery, rather than TWRP, which I had previously installed. It seems that /e/ is not being recognised as an OS, and therefore I have no system image, only a new recovery image.

Here are the instructions I’ve written for myself after encountering both the e.foundation guide and [HOWTO] Install /e/ on OnePlus 6 running Andoroid 10 , and many other pieces of advice on the internet.

After system restore using msm-

close msm download tool

enable developer settings, enable usb debugging, enable oem unlock, enable advanced reboot menu

adb devices
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot devices
fastboot oem unlock

enable developer settings, enable usb debugging, enable advanced reboot menu, connect usb via file transfer

transfer twrp-installer-enchilada-3.2.3-0.zip to download folder of oneplus.

adb devices
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot devices
fastboot boot twrp-3.2.3-0-enchilada.img

install>find the twrp zip and install.
reboot into recovery.
wipe>factory reset.
wipe>format data.
return to previous menu>advanced wipe>system>swipe to wipe.
back to main menu>advanced>adb sideload.

adb sideload e-0.8-p-2020041049061-dev-enchilada.zip

boot>recovery>factory data reset. (lineage OS recovery from /e/ installation has now overwritten TWRP)
boot>recovery>apply update>apply from ADB.

adb sideload twrp-3.3.1-16-enchilada-installer-mauronofrio.zip

After this last step, I have overwritten the Lineage OS recovery with TWRP, but am still unable to boot into /e/. I have also tried installing /e/ from here, but the same issue happens as before, only able to load into recovery.

My device is stock android 8.1.0 (as reset by MSM). I chose twrp3.2.3.0 as it is compatible with Android Pie (I believe), then later installed twrp3.3.1-16, because I’d seen it working in the forum [HOWTO] guide. I’ve tried 3 of 5 of the available /e/ packages, but the same theme occurs with all of them. Currently I’m not invigorated to try the other two.

I’ve only ever flashed 2 custom ROMs before, both on Oneplus One, so I’m very inexperienced. Any input is appreciated.


The answer to my problem was not understanding the dual partitions!
I owe my success to this video (YouTube/Invidious), following the steps exactly as shown (apart from installing GApps and rooting my devices)

Here are the steps I followed for a successful installation of /e/ (android 9)

Run MsmDownloadTool.

To revert oneplus 6 to stock android (8.1.0), also use if you softbrick your phone.

Close MsmDownloadTool after program successfully flashes stock android.

enable developer settings, enable usb debugging, enable oem unlock, enable advanced reboot menu

adb devices
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot devices
fastboot oem unlock

enable developer settings, enable usb debugging, enable advanced reboot menu.

adb devices
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot devices
fastboot boot twrp-3.2.3-0-enchilada.img

First I boot into an old TWRP image, as it was released when Oneplus 6 ran Android 8

DEVICE: twrp-
wipe>swipe to factory reset.

adb push twrp-installer-3.3.1-2-enchilada.zip /storage/
adb push OnePlus6Oxygen_22_OTA_028_all_1812250155_564140.zip /storage/

Now the TWRP zip is different, I chose this as it was released when Oneplus 6 ran Android 9.
Notice the Stock Oxygen OS rom I flash is dated 18/12/25, this corresponds to Android 9.0.3.

install>oxygenos zip
install>twrp zip
reboot> [Note what slot you are in, A or B?] > recovery
reboot> [Check slot. If you were on A, you should now be on B (or the other way around). If unchanged, click the slot you are not currently on>click on recovery]>back to main menu.
wipe>factory reset

adb push twrp-installer-3.3.1-2-enchilada.zip /storage/
adb push OnePlus6Oxygen_22_OTA_028_all_1812250155_564140.zip /storage/

install>oxygenos zip
install>twrp zip
reboot> [Note what slot you are in, A or B?] > recovery
reboot> [Check slot. If you were on A, you should now be on B (or the other way around). If unchanged, click the slot you are not currently on>click on recovery]>back to main menu.
wipe>factory reset

adb push twrp-installer-3.3.1-2-enchilada.zip /storage/
adb push e-0.7-p-2020033047438-dev-enchilada(1).zip /storage/

install>/e/OS zip
install>twrp zip
reboot system

My experience is: too many cooks spoil the broth. ;-/

If /e/ OS doesn’t accept LineageOS Recovery, make sure that TeamWin - TWRP for “enchilada” is installed first.

Immediately after the TWRP installation, reboot into TWRP before you install an /e/ OS build in further steps.

If the LOS-Recovery cannot be overwritten with TWRP Recovery, the only solution is to go back to stockROM Android. This will definitely replace a foreign (LOS-) Recovery with Android Recovery. Then flash TeamWin - TWRP Recovery and /e/ OS.

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I might have confused you here, I think I am follow the steps you recommend.

I boot to TWRP img, then install TWRP zip, then reboot to recovery (which is TWRP), then install /e/ OS.

When I reboot system (or reboot to recovery) I am greeted with LOS recovery instead. To get myself out of this I use a tool which reverts me to stock Android everything.

TWRP for OnePlus 6

OnePlus 6 Install Instructions

Read these instructions and follow them carefully.

The OnePlus 6 uses the newer AB partition scheme first introduced on …

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This is what I have been following, and it has been successful. I don’t think my problem is with TWRP, I have been able to install it successfully. My issue seems to be the installation of /e/ OS itself.
After installing /e/ OS and rebooting, I am taken to fastboot, and am only able to boot into recovery mode, not /e/ OS itself.

So that means that LineageOS Recovery is no longer on your device, right?

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Yes, but from there I am still unable to boot into /e/.

In which way did you try to install /e/ OS?

  1. via adb sideload e-0.8-p-2020041649926-dev-enchilada.zip
  2. via TWRP “Install” e-0.8-p-2020041649926-dev-enchilada.zip
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sorry if my poor choice of words is causing confusion, I use adb sideload to install /e/.

Have you ever tried a “Super Clean Install”?

  1. in TWRP > Wipe > Format Data

  2. in TWRP > Wipe > Advanced Wipe >> select the
    /Dalvik / Art Cache
    /internal storage
    /Cache partitions to be wiped and then >>> Swipe to Wipe.

  3. In TWRP > ADB Sideload >>> Swipe to Start Sideload

  4. on Desktop PC > adb sideload e-0.8-p-2020041649926-dev-enchilada.zip

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I did receive this error message after sideloading, but that is all I could notice.

I have just done the ‘Super Clean Install’, and nothing has changed from the previous installations. Again, lineage OS recovery has overwritten TWRP, but this doesn’t seem worth fixing, as the problem of /e/ not installing properly is not fixed.

Picture 2: >>> Swipe to Reboot
Yes, this message is misleading, but >>> wipe right and the system will reboot.

This is incomprehensible to me, because we had determined “LineageOS Recovery is no longer on your device

Have you already tried (a)lternative?

Steps 1. and 2. as above.

3(a). Copy file e-0.8-p-2020041649926-dev-enchilada.zip from DesktopPC zu Internal Storage of Oneplus6

4(a). in TWRP Install e-0.8-p-2020041649926-dev-enchilada.zip

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I did indeed wipe right, and rebooted to same issue.

I reset the phone to stock (therefore I have stock recovery) > install twrp > install /e/ > reboot and I get Lineage OS recovery. Which I can then update over ADB to get TWRP, but it hasn’t solved the issue before.

I haven’t tried that alternative, so I will try it later or tomorrow.

Yeah, right now I’m at my wit’s end too.

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I installed /e/! I’ve updated my post so you can see how.

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Hi @Lance,
Thanks a lot for the solution!!! I guess I went through the same difficulties as yours. After bricking my phone twice, I followed very very carefully your [Howto] (I did not realise the versions of TWRP and Android were actually really important) and eventually I managed to install /e/ on my OP6! I’m really happy about this.

I have questions for you. Do you have OTA updates issues like some others users do in others posts? I haven’t had time to test.

Plus, I’m having troubles with three apps so far:

  • I could not download and install Brave browser from the Apps store but I got the apk from another device under /e/ (Samsung J5, still under the 0.8 version of /e/)
  • I was able to download ProtonVPN (the current one, not the outdated one) but it crashes as soon as I open it. Same as for Brave, I tried the apk from my samsung device, the app was called ProtonVPN 2.0 and it works well now. So not sure about what’s going on with the current apk.
  • Very weird, the Files app included in the OS works well but instead of saying “Files” just below the icon, it says: “@string/files_label”. Do you experience the same?

Finally, a newbie question: can I lock back the OEM to avoid the alert screen on booting? Or it will cause troubles?

Thanks a lot!

Hi @martin3418, I’m so so glad to hear you installed /e/, great job! I haven’t had a single issue since installing /e/ 2 months ago. OTA updates have been completely fine.

If you haven’t already tried, I recommend downloading F-droid and Aurora Store. I’ve experienced non-downloads from the /e/ App store, which I have rectified using these stores instead. Aurora store is basically the google play store without a google account; if you’re using /e/ I assume you’ve heard of F-droid. I’ve just tried, and both ProtonVPN and Brave work for me fine from Aurora store, but not from the /e/ app store.

I don’t share your experience with the Files app, and I can’t suggest what to do, but you could report it on github, or just make a seperate post about this issue, and some one more knowledgeable than me can comment on it!

Finally : I am also a total newbie, but from all the research I had to put in to installing /e/, I remember coming across this post about re-locking the bootloader, which I hope helps with answering your question.

Thanks for getting in touch with me have a lovely night! :smile:


Thanks @Lance for your clear (and quick) answer!
Yes, I did install F-Droid and Aurora. Re Aurora, it was not working well but I now know why. I was blocking the (google by the way) trackers with TrackerControl. I guess that Aurora fetches results from the Play Store, right? So I have to accept this…
I’ll raise an issue on Gitlab regarding my naming problem.
Thanks for sharing the post. After reading it carefully, I won’t lock it. I’ll try at least one OTA update first. If it works, then I won’t change anything as a user had OTA issues after locking back the bootloader. But if it does not, then I might rethink about it. But anyway, I don’t reboot very often my smartphone so it’s not a big deal.

Keep in touch!

I also use ControlTracker, it can be cumbersome at times! As for Aurora store, that’s the pay-off for using certain apps, unfortunately. I hope the OTA goes smoothly, and you’ll quickly get used to how minor the start screen message really is!
Bye for now :slight_smile:

Hi @Lance,
My first OTA went great!
However, I’ve got a couple of issues like a tracker control notification: “An unexpected error has occurred […] This is likely because of a bug in your Android version”

  • In Mail, in the folders list, just below the folder’s label, there is: “====== App-specific strings========”
    It’s quite minor but hopefully it will be fixed in the next update.
    Same for you?