Permissions for building unofficial ROM


This question got a bit overlooked, so I’m asking it here in its own thread.

According to the official documentation, I’m supposed to create a series of directories with root:root permissions like this:

$ sudo mkdir -p \
/srv/e/src \
/srv/e/zips \
/srv/e/logs \

And then I launch the build using sudo docker run :

$ sudo docker run \
-v "/srv/e/src:/srv/src" ...

I have doubts as to the permissions of this operation. Normally when you build stuff (distribution packages, kernel, whatever) it’s just wrong to launch your build as root. Under Unix/Linux you build things as a mere mortal user and then just use superuser permissions to install the stuff.

Another detail that made me cringe a bit was the sudo docker run instruction in the documentation. In a sane setup, your mortal user is already a member of the docker system group, and it’s just wrong to launch docker using sudo.

Is that just a case of permission sloppiness from the developers ? Or do I really really need full root permissions just to build /e/OS from source using Docker ?

Any suggestions ?

The instructions are first written for Ubuntu with inherent sloppy permissions. Rewrites have tried to to include other distributions, which should be workable as Docker’s aim in life is to try to upgrade / downgrade your distro to the required standards.

The instructions say to use sudo, I did experiment without but there were errors. I do without docker and keep clean Debian.

This wiki page includes options without docker 01: Introduction · Wiki · e / documentation / A Generic Guide on porting eOS · GitLab a search of the forum will find more …

Of course the point you are starting from is that /srv is on root.

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