Problems with nextcloud

Iv tried to search for support but on the forum of nextcloud i get no answer.
What im trying to do is add my documents folder with subfolders in it to auto sync.
I selected ‘use submaps’, and ‘upload existing files’ but i always get a warning about battery optimalisation and the folders and files wont upload.
When i go to settings>battery>nextcloud , i see that battery optimalisation for nextcloud is turned off

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

Your are using eOS with edrive ?? Tahn you doN’t need the Nextcloud client. All what is in folder /documents should be synced to your edrive

Do u mean No i dont use it.

That means you have your own Nextcloud server ??

I think so yes. I registered myself for 8gb free storage , choose a provider and now im trying to sync everything to nextcloud. But as described in my topic i have some issues

try to use the /e/ account setup under ‘Settings’ / ‘Accounts’ / '/e/. There is an Option where you can use ‘Your own NC Server’. Setup a new account with your NC infos:
Your user name
Server address

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It is setup correctly in accounts.

here ? …

Use the setup I have written and NOT the nextcloud account

I saw no other way than manually add the folder.
Tried what u asked but i now have 5 e.Accounts in users .
But now everything is syncing. Its not exactly the way i want but it works if i ask 1 question. When i buy something on the web i like to save the invoices. These need to be uploaded to nextcloud. How do i let e/os ask always where to save it? In the browser when i download a image im forced to save it in downloads. In my protonmail it doesnt ask this at all. Its forced to downloads . but Im getting there. I just need to know this last thing.

you haven’t done what I have written. You should setup YOUR NEXTCLOUD server under an /e/ account.

Than everything will sync to YOUR NEXTCLOUD server !!!

I tried that and it isnt working. U dont have to yell.

It MUST work. I’m using it since a long time.

Check your Nextcloud. When you are in ‘Files’ on left bottom side is ‘Settings’. Open them. You will find the WebDAV address. Use it as server address in e-account setup

Does not work here also, only calendar and tasks no files get synced. Are you sure your nextcloud app did not do the syncing?

really, can’t imagine. I’m using it since eOS was available. OK, I’m hosting my own NC but that shouldn’t be a difference

I never worked here, i can use the webdav url, and then it says success but files never get synced, only calendar, contacts, tasks so that indicates the connection is ok… Are you using https?

no, I’m on http …

@AutismKid you appear to speak Dutch. I am also Dutch and located in The Netherlands. Like @harvey186 I am pleased with the syncing by /e/, also of the documents. I am offering you a AnyDesk & phone session to sort this out. Like a helpdesk. We can exchange phone nummbers via Personal Message.

@andrelam I know you are way ahead of me in knowledge about /e/ or networking, but if you want, I am willing to try to sort this out together over a AnyDesk & phone session. Over the years I have been able to help solving many IT problems, simply by looking and asking questions. “Twee zien meer dan één.”