Samsung Tab S6 Lite gta4xlwifi eOS 2.7 update "failed to verify whole-file signature" Installation aborted

Hi I’m new to /e/OS but have been running LineageOS devices for a number of years.

Installed /e/OS on a Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 lite (gta4xlwifi) about a month ago. It’s been OK although not a fan of the Bliss launcher.
Was notified that there was an update, so I downloaded and installed the update.

It started, then booted into Recovery, then said “failed to verify whole-file signature” and installation aborted.

Attempted this twice same results.
Any pointers?

Current version installed on tablet is eOS 2.6.3 and followed this procedure for the update…

what is your current installed recovery ?

I had the same. What worked for me was a dirty update via adb sideload

Since /e/ version 2.7 the updater as well as “Local Update” with /e/ recovery works incorrectly on many of my devices. abd sideload or “Install” via TWRP always worked.

OK thanks looks like it’s time to do an adb sideload.
Did this mean that your data/installed apps were wiped?

How do I discover my Recovery version?

I have attempted to power off and use Volume Up & Power buttons at the same time but no matter how long or short I hold them it boots back into eOS. I also ticked the Advanced restart slider to include a “restarting into recovery” option when pushing the power button but that doesn’t seem to work either…

you need to release power at a time…

Best if you enable Developer Options and select USB Debugging. Then you should install adb if not already done and connect your tablet via USB. If connected type “adb reboot recovery”.
In recovery select adb sideload option and type “adb sideload ROMNAME” in your terminal

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So release the Power button when the logo appears but continue holding the Volume up?

Hmmm except that because I have the bootloader unlocked it says “this phones bootloader is unlocked” “Press power button to continue” after the initial boot and seems to interrupt the normal boot procedure, so doesn’t go into recovery.