I read in an article that e/OS is not safe because apps can be outdated here, because only the Google playstore contains the latest and official versions.
F-Droid (with its many repos) has also updates, everyday.
A problem are apps which are sideloaded without an official repo: apps which have been installed manually from an APK you downloaded from somewhere. In these cases you are responsible yourself for updating them from time to time.
App Lounge can be used to install Native as well as Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) from a single interface. Apps are managed differently depending on their source. Applications from the Google Play Store are fetched using the Google Play API. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and Open Source Apps from F-Droid are fetched using the CleanAPK API (more info on the CleanAPK is covered below). App lounge allows you to filter apps by Open Source, PWAs, or just show all apps.
apps can be outdated here. Please define “here”. Here where? And what does outdates mean? They don’t get updates?
3 layers you have to care when it comes to security of the packages
Those that come with the android base image (eos); the place where images and apps come from; the security of the applications themselves.
Murena is responsible for updating the apps provided with the base image through release of updates to the new image which is automatic and you are notified and can choose when to update. You are responsible for keeping eos up to date and replace the phone when is no longer supported.
As for apps from any store there’s 2 levels.
The security of the app store ( or any place you get the apps from) and the security of the apps themselves.
Some apps and some places are more secure than others.
Murena and eos have little to do with that.
User MRTN covered the App lounge on another answer.
If you trust Google play store more than other places, use app Lounge but don’t get open source or pwa apps from Lounge. Or you can use Aurora store that only gets apps from Play store ( if u find the other decision making confusing).
What makes a store safe is the question. So check out how well maintained the places you get apps are.
As for the security in the apps themselves. Make sure you are using apps that aren’t too old, they get updates and you update them and the developer(s) are trustworthy. How do i know that? Example an open source developer that creates an app, makes the good available and there are others contributing to it, ensures multiple eyes are seeing potential issues
Manage risk. If the app is doing something that has lots of value, say banking apps, make sure they are official and from a trusted source.
In the end, all of them have failed some way or another. Keep the good practises and you’ll be safe