SM-G900F Black Screen

I installed the latest update today and it boots into a black screen. Has anyone else had the same problem? Did you find a way to fix it?

At the end of the update, the phone robooted. What did you see ?

Normally you should have seen the Samsung Galaxy logo first and then the “e” logo.

Yes, I saw both of those followed by black screen and no response.

I suggest you to go into TWRP and re-install the last version available without any wipe.

If it doesn’t work, install the last working version without any wipe.

Thanks. I managed to get back to the previous version.

August update has the same problem. I’m getting a bit worried that I’ll be stuck on the June image forever.

As stated here, Romain published a new build. Have you tested both the e-0.9-p-2020082670104-dev-klte and the e-0.10-p-2020080666687-dev-klte ?

2020082670104 OTA and the previous OTA image from July is all I’ve tried. I don’t know if they’re dev builds but I’ll follow your links and see if they get me any further.

I’ve just installed e-0.10-p-2020080666687-dev-klte and all looks good so far.

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I did have the same issue and also went back to e-0.10-p-2020080666687-dev-klte. This morning I managed to build a new one myself. I installed this one and its working . I will share this build when i find the time