Sonim xp8 Please make e/os available for this phone thanks

I looked at the link you sent looks promising , for myself i am novice with working with software dont think i would be successful .
Is there someone that can do this for me or even help through remote link on computer to another , i have some knowledge of mobile phone usually can get out of simple jam even if it means doing factory hard reset .

Thanks in advance for the help

This is the companion page to the Support topics page already linked.

You might consider starting a #gsi thread using this link:- Create a new Topic #gsi for more support once you understand the workflow.

Good luck.

@Duke following your reply I added a second link above, for another perspective on the ideas behind GSI.

Thanks for info now just need to digest the info to understand hopefully i can make it work

If you have thoughts or ideas that can help please do tell.
Thank you

I too am interested in using an XP8. It’s one of the few remaining phones with hardware buttons, which is one of the many things that makes it rather unique.

Hi Bribri this is duke (billy) what do you think chances are for sonim xp8 to run e/os no issues

Number1 are you in U.S.A
Number2 do you have sonim xp8 at this moment ,

Thanks billy

The SONIM XP8 was originally delivered with Android 7.0 (Nougat) according to the available data sheets 2018 and is therefore not Treble Project compliant.

The upgrades to Android 8.1 Oreo up to Stock Android 10.0.0 offer no guarantee that the partitioning necessary for Treble GSI has been carried out.

But - the proof of the pudding is in the eating. In any case, you should have a stock Android at hand to get the XP8 working again in case something goes wrong with the GSI installation.

Sorry Duke I can’t help you. I have almost no experience so far installing alternative operating systems on Android phones, and I do not own an XP8. I’m hoping that they’ll be some news or reason to believe the XP8 can run /e/, Lineage, or any of the other DeGoogled OSes before I get one.

I posted here in order to add my support for /e/ on the XP8. There’s at least two of us that want it to run an alternative OS! (Also one additional person who posted on reddit some months ago.)

Bribri response your comment… as to sonim xp8 , i dont have one either have a friend that does.
I have few comments here goes
1 His xp8 u.s.a. Not sure if that matters
2 He got it from sonim-xp8 ( 249$
3 In u.s.a. Sonim sends out xp8 branded with att mobile. Not sure if someone can get unbranded xp8 , also xp8 has google android o/s,
4 i do know for a fact that in developer option does have oem unlock. So this is a plus for rooting i dont know how to root yet i know some of the procedures i would not try im a novice.
3 the sonim xp8 is very tough just the right size really loud speaker an loud speaker
4 I am really hope wish e/os Lineage will make sonim xp8 preinstall their o/s bring this phone to U.S.A market .
5 i will never never own phone with google or any that type of nonces.
6 what do you think would take e/os to make xp8 available?

Did you pick bribri cus its short for braai that word is barbecue in south africa pronounced bri


Ps bribri
I also just like you have no experience more than 80% of what is said an explain on this forum compared is going from 6th grade math to 12th grade math . I can learn need some one at my side.

One of the first things to do is to try to get Treble Info (mentioned in the links above)

installed on an updated xp8 to find out if it is treble project compliant.

aibd/e/ user


One of the first things to do is to try to get Treble Info (mentioned in the links above)


p / TrebleInfo · GitLab

installed on an updated xp8 to find out if it is treble project compliant.

I have no experience more than 80% of what is said an explain on this forum compared is going from 6th grade math to 12th grade math . I can learn need some one at my side.

looking for a simple solution or if no solution let me know i have to live with it till e/os gets quality devices for u.s.a. W e/os Preinstalled or self install

So, please can you share the display found on the device when you open Treble Info – one step at a time!

Dear sir
aibd/e/ user

So, please can you share the display found on the device when you open Treble Info – one step at a time!

I do not have or own sonim xp8 , yet i very much would like to have sonim xp8 with E/OS preinstalled before buying,// (they are very nice phones.)

The issue i am having is with terracube device , the decibel Level loud speaker an speaker is way way to low even on full volume.

To me the entire forum is confusing at the moment to find proper place to posts , so the post i have made may be in the wrong areas of this forum if so i apologize for my error.
Me, not a forum or social media subscriber such as many others.



ok I understand, Billy, I found the forum confusing for a long time!

Let’s just keep this thread for Sonim xp8 which is what my post refers to.

Ok , i think i did kept on xp8 device topic , i just gave some info of xp8 as that oem unlock option can be activated thats a fact.

Apparently some one did not read the post i made carefully or my life long dyslexia did not make sense of the post, although i gave a personal sentence.

No offensiveness intended.
Sincerely billy

Hi Billy, I am sorry to have caused you offense. I guess I was jumping to the conclusion that your friend had the device and you had sight of it to be able to tell us about OEM unlock.

Then my mistake was to think that …

… you were considering working with him on his phone like this! :blush:

My sincere apologies … still the wider subject exists … there is little work that seems to have been done on this device, even the possibility of GSI is an unknown at this stage.

I was imagining that you were hopeful of learning “how to GSI” from what you said in Post #3, TrebleInfo is the very first thing to do in that workflow.

Another wrong assumption on my part … sorry.

aibd — what a great person that you are no offense taken at all apology excepted.
As to what little i know of xp8 since i have had a chance to see one in real life the quality sturdiness could make nice addition to E/OS , make it preinstalled available to all markets.
Phone is great for people that are constantly outdoor or harsh environments.
Maybe get enough people posting on this it may happen.


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I’ll add that my interest in it is because it’s the only Android phone left for sale that still has physical buttons! For some of us, having an actual physical button where you can feel its shape and feel it press is very important.

Yes i agree also removable battery dual sims water proof so on.

I support adding the Sonim XP8 to those phones that e/os is available for. I’ve been using a rooted XP8 running Android 8.1 since 2020. They are unique, highly ruggedized phones. Unfortunately, the Android 10 stock upgrade for this phone cannot be rooted using Magisk, or other conventional methods. There are no custom ROMs available for the XP8. Having e/OS could be a useful option for many users. Processor is Qualcomm SDM 630 which is capable of Android 13. Thanks in advance.

UPDATE: Ran Treble Check both on an XP8 running 8.1, as well as an XP8 with 10.0 installed. Got a “Project Treble Unsupported” message on both units. I assume this means that this handset is dead in the water for an e/OS ROM, correct?