Strike Bitcoin & Lightning payments

I’m excited to see applications like these which seem to be real UX improvements for cryptocurrencies (more here

I couldn’t find in Apps, F-droid or Aurora store. How long do new / beta apps like these normally take to appear?

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

F-droid includes only FOSS apps and I don’t think these apps are FOSS, so they will never be available in F-droid,

Why there aren’t shown in Aurora, I don`t know. Aurora is a client for original goolag play store. So when it is available in Goolag Play Stoe, it should also be available in Aurora.

The eApps staore is a client. There are only apps available whicha re uploaded from someone (no one really knows from where the apks are comming). So when theses apps are available in eApps store, no one knows. But you can request the apps via option menue in eApps store.

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