Stuck on fastboot flashing unlock(Now Black screen)

we find this issue difficult to advise at first hit, but you have been brave and set yourself up as an “Experienced tester” - stay cool. :wink:

If you get a chance to take a PC screenshot, or photo of your device, that will be extremely helpful to anyone reading along.

you mean this?

I cant acces my phone, its like dead.

Exactly that. It seems dead, but it seems to have switched mode in some way. Gently try each of those suggestions. Please don’t go beyond what seems sensible to you.

Thanks for the info.
I tried the hard reset, as there is no running OS necessary.
The phone doesnt react to any keys pressed, I tried all combinations.

I am going to step back for a bit.

It is a mystery to me why one of the resets does not work.

Did you try Volume Up + Power for over 12 seconds?

These are the instructions for a manual install. I suggest it is worth reflecting on them, to see if it throws light on where Easy Installer went wrong.

Please log what you do, on this thread, so that others can help you.

Yes I tried.
When I connect the Phone to my windows Pc , It says for a few seconds „mediatek android device „, thats the only sign of life i get from the phone.

I do not want to guess what is happening. It will be solved. Did you notice the version of Android on your GS290, before you started?

Ok thanks again, really appreciate ist.
No I did not, but I updated the system to the newest update it found.

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So the phone is actually on, (and stuck) that is why the reset does not work. Back in the day, that would be solved by removing the battery.

I followed these steps…

It worked, phone is back again, with the android10 Image mentioned in the above Link.

Should i follow the “regular” install guide?


But wait and read your planned instructions three times! :slight_smile:

Please send a screenshot from Settings >> About phone, so we all know the new starting point! (Just in case)

You might find it a complex read, but I would read this several times before I dived in again.

GS290 Easy- Installer stops
Especially @SuzieQ

Thank you for documenting how you recovered. :smile:

Reflects; The phone is not off, it is waiting. Waiting for what? Edit: or in a trance?

If I read Wilminator’s logs correctly, on apudegajub.php, the phone is not ready or not detected, on log kuvagiweqi.php we see

(bootloader) Start unlock flow
Flashed system
Sending 'lk' (1024 KB)                             OKAY [  0.079s]
Writing 'lk'                                       OKAY [  0.016s]
Finished. Total time: 0.098s
Flashed lk
Sending 'logo' (3308 KB)                           OKAY [  0.222s]
Writing 'logo'                                     OKAY [  0.047s]
Finished. Total time: 0.272s
Flashed logo
exit value = 0

2021-03-10 20:04:08,353 DEBUG [Thread-20] e.e.i.t.FlashThread [null:-1] run a no script step. Waiting for user's validation
fastboot path: /snap/easy-installer/16/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/adb/fastboot
GS2900000009183	fastboot
Rebooting                                          OKAY [  0.001s]
Finished. Total time: 0.051s
exit value = 0
2021-03-10 20:12:40,968 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] 
e.e.i.EasyInstaller [null:-1] stage is closing
2021-03-10 20:12:40,968 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] 
e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] onStop()

Anyone … for what was the phone waiting?
We had Rebooting - OKAY
OK - true or false?
What state did the phone land up in, apart from unusable?

@wilminator do you have any insights - I am was guessing that you did not follow the whole instruction set here? - or did you? Edit.

I am thinking that it must be some signal which you stuck up the USB which brought it back from it’s trance.

The log file kuvagiweqi.php looks perfectly ok like a successful flash process.

You mean because there is this “run a no script step. Waiting for user’s validation” text?

If I understand the source code of the installer correctly it means that the current step (and looking as the GS290 config in the installer that must be the “ask account” step) is not something the installer does automatically but needs the user to interact with the UI (in this case: selecting if they already have an /e/ account or want to create one right now). That doesn’t indicate a problem with the flashing.

As I said, the log indicates the flash process looks fine. I don’t have a GS290 so I can only (wildly) guess what’s wrong.

  • the version that gets installed may have a general problem ( and would result in the same problem when installed manually
  • the GS290 wasn’t in a “fit state” to begin with (as I said, I don’t have one, no idea if something should have been done - like Android version upgrade? - as a prerequisite)
  • other things I can’t think of at the moment…

Edit: I wonder if the thing would have been needed in the first place?
Anyway, as the phone now should be in the correct state, maybe it’s sufficient to just start again.

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Thanks for the links, really helpfull.

Everything worked perfectly after following exactly these steps.

/e/ is up and running

I followed the steps the “EasyInstaller” told me to do, really carefully. I didnt read the “insturction set”. Also upgraded the phone to the latest Update it suggested.

Thanks so mutch for the help!

Great to hear you have /e/ up and running - happy to help.

I am motivated partly by trying to get to the bottom of why Easy Installer does not always work, and does it need added documentation.

I was asking really whether you had any insights, exactly what solved the “black screen” of the title of this thread?

Did you do the whole of the proceedure here Installing /e/OS after removing UbuntuTouch on the GS290?

To someone in the same position as you, would you say that was the solution?

Thanks again for documenting your progress so well for anyone who reads this later :smile: Cheers.

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Yes, I followed every step accurately.

Yes, it solved my black Screen. Before following the instructions, the screen stayed black no matter what I did ( pressing buttons for Hardware Reset).

Next time, before using the easyInstaller, I would carefully check if my phone is on Android10. I assumed it because i did all the updated the phone supposed, still I cant gurantee it was on 10.


I can also confirm, that this procedure solved the black screen issue after flashing /e/OS with Easy Installer. A stock Android version is up and running again. Thanks for the info!


Hi Mimus,

if you still have the problem with GS290 with black screen not reacting to any button pressing follow the instructions mentioned here and it recovered a stock Android version on the GS290.

If you have access to a linux machine, follow the steps and the phone gets recovered.

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