Sync eCloud notes on Evolution

Hello! Does anyone know if it might be possible to sync eCloud notes on Evolution in Linux. Calendar, Mail, Contacts and Tasks are syncing perfectly. Would be great to get notes to do so, too.

Many thanks!

No, as far as i know. Notes are txtfiles which could be synced like other files and folders with nextcloud desktop app which is available for linux

hi, has anything changed in that regard since then?

I don’t use Evolution. I use a program called QOwnNotes on both Linux and macOS. It works really well as a note-taking app, but it won’t be integrated with Evolution.

thanks, i looked at it !

since march 2020 and gnome 3.37.1+ evolution has merged patches for this -

It works, but there are some gotchas: configure the proper webdav directory (as they’re localized!), and currently Evolution only scans for .txt files, while the Notes “vue-webinterface” uses markdown .md … so interoperability needs some planets to align. Will file a follow up for this, it’s only 5-6 lines to adjust in the patches.

Evolution is such a nice piece of software, but GNOME visuals change… the simple gnome-notes (bijiben) has integration as well but does it differently: talking directly to “notes-app” API, not via webdav verbs to the nextcloud server. The /e/ Notes fork of nextcloud-notes also uses the API itself

Edit: and if I’m not mistaken there is a small bug when creating new notes, nextcloud throws an error, but still create the file… on second save no http error status is thrown, but a duplicate created… need to look into that

Evolution 3.43.1+ and 3.42.1+ onwards is now compatible with current nextcloud server versions creating .md files

but there’s still a note creation bug

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