Trouble with onlyoffice web mobile

After this :

When I connect to ecloud from my web browser and open a xls file, onlyoffice opens, but I have a warning about the no-way to edit.

It says I need a licence to edit…

I don’t use /e/ because I now have a smartphone with no /e/ rom, does it work for you, /e/ users ?

(I don’t know if my english is clear to understand…)

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

as far as I know, on ecloud is only the free version installed. So you can’t only read, but not edit.

EDIT: I have just tried. I can add and edit a new document. But I don’t know how it will work for MS-Office files


see the screenshot, I’m on default /e/ web browser and tried to edit a xlsx file from my /e/ cloud account…