Two-Factor TOTP and Sync issues

I just installed TOTP, and if I activate it for my User I then can’t sync my contact anymore with my self hosted nextcloud server. If I deactivet it, it sync fine.

I tried to remove my adressbook account and setup again, but there is no possibility to enter the two-factor code in the setup so it will not sync.

I’m I doing something wrong here?

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Funny, I set up TOTP for my ecloud login, but it vanished from even the settings area - it just has the backup codes listed as an option. The reason it is strange is because I do have the seed and it is generating those TOTPs every 30 seconds in my app… But, the system doesn’t ask me for it at login. Luckily, the password is very long gibberish.

BTW, the TOTP does work for this community forum, just not on ecould login.

Sorry forgot to mention, I do host on my own NAS and it is working. But I can’t sync anymore because the connection is broken

I had the same Issue as JJR, the QR Code wouldn’t show up to me on my account. Today I watched into the settings and there it was.
And as I set up the two factor authentication the account wouldn’t sync anymore on my smartphone.

If you secure your account with 2FA it has to be used everytime and with every kind of connection type.
The account manager which is used to sync calender, contacts, todos, notes, etc…and is based on DAVx5 has no implementation for 2FA, and so it cannot connect anymore.
This is my explanation of the problem

I think there’s no difference between a web login or a sync login via account manager.

Now, you can look at that any way you want. A bug, an issue, anyway…

Please have a look at our support article here.

Two caveats for eCloud+eOS are:

  • you need a Nextcloud Application password for eOS Account Manager
  • you need the main password for eOS Mail (since 2FA is provided by NC)

OK, if you enable 2FA in your account then the second factor for the account manager is solved by using a second password instead of the 30 second key.
This second password is stored statically on the smartphone in the form of another account.