Unable to update to the latest /e/ builds on S9 and S7 phones OTA


I have an S9 on which I installed /e/ myself and an S7 that I purchased from the /e/ store. Both running /e/ for a couple years. On each of these phones I am still running fairly old builds:

  • S9 - 0.20-20211210151039 (Android 8.1.0)
  • S7 - 0.19-20211023142428 (Android 7.1.2)

On both devices, no new updates are found when I trigger a manual check.

Is this to be expected? Is there another way to get newer builds of the OS OTA? Any help / insight appreciated!



the team is working on a upgraded version that will be intalled this way (by the system updater)
Only for device on the stable branch

e-0.20-o-20220118158074-stable-starlte.zip is out
e-0.22-q-20220226166118-dev-starlte.zip is out

s7 :
e-0.19-n-20211023142428-stable-herolte.zip is out
e-0.20-o-20211210151039-dev-herolte.zip is out
e-0.23-p-20220316-UNOFFICIAL-herolte.zip is out
e-0.22-q-20220226-UNOFFICIAL-herolte.zip is out

You can install the one you prefer by simply using TWRP that is already installed on your phone!


Thanks for you answer. I’ll try to update to one of these versions.
