ich bin gerade die Einstellungen meiner eCloud einmal durchgegangen und habe unter Datenschutz tatsächlich gefunden, dass zwei Administratoren Zugriff auf meine Cloud haben sollen?
Was soll das denn bitte?!
Ich habe das nicht eingestellt, und ich will das auch nicht.
Weiß dazu jemand etwas? Wie kann ich die Admins rausschmeißen?
Sorry for the response in English. Tried to find a team member who could respond in German but was not able to get one.Also do not want to risk using a translator as I am not sure it will capture the exact details in German…
You are right the admins do have access to the accounts and there is a reason for this. You can find the explanation here
Thank you for pointing out the FAQ.
As a layman, I don’t understand why an admin needs to have access to the files/cloud to reset passwords or perform maintenance/adjustments.
But, let’s have a little faith!
eOS is the best we have. Right?
A admin user or root (OS level) for itself must have and do have access to the full application by definition.
It’s no all about password reset. It’s all about the system.
therefore, he also has access to the data and yours. there is no other way and it cannot be separated.
With an operator it looks different, but not with an admin.