WhatsApp video calls choppy and bad quality

Hi, I have problems with video calls on whatsapp. The video captured by the camera of my phone (A5 2017 (a5a17lte)) is very choppy and in a very bad quality.

Does anybody of you have similar issues?

e-version: e-0.7-p-2020031244891-test-a5y17lte.zip


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Sorry, but i like that, because it’s a reason to go away from most spying app ever.

Have you tried video recording with other apps ? Same result ? And you know that FB is reduce the quality of picture and videos to reduce traffic ?

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@harvey186 a small correction that footnote is now added by default on all new topics.

Ah, ok, thanks for letting me know

Video recording with the OpenCamera App is working fine.

I’am not the biggest fan of WhatsApp either but I used it for video calls because it works an most of my family is using whatsapp for staying in touch with each other. But thank you for your point fo view!

if it’s a new issue, I think it’s because of reduce bandwidth from FB to ensure that homeworker do have no issues

Hi Manoj, is it possible to remove this foodnote ? It makes the post bigger and incomprehensible

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WhastApp audio and video calls were always horrible!
Official or custom ROM.
I only use it for text with family and some friends.

I found a solution for this issue. It seems that video calls on whatsapp are not working as expected on phones with camera2api. One thread on XDA that I found:

Following the suggestion to add whatsapp to the HAL1 package list I added following line in /system/build.prop:


After a reboot whatsapp video calls worked fine again for me.

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