Won't connect to WiFi or SIM cards

I have a fairphone 4 with e/os for just a few months. I am technically stunted so had no idea in the workings, I just wanted the privacy. I’ve had problems with a few things (camera, bliss launcher) but now, despite being connected to the WiFi it won’t load any apps or browsers, and both my SIM cards say unavailable . What’s happened -anyone please?

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

Hello Winnie
There are some similliar issues mentioned in the forums.
I myself have to switch into and out airplane mode a few times a day which has become a nasty habit for me :slight_smile:
Some others have to reboot the phone to regain wifi.
Aditionally If you bought from murena, you could contact their helpdesk.

Hi thanks. Yes I’ve rebooted many times. Aeroplane mode on and off, WiFi on and off, it’s so annoying as I have an esim so I can’t just take it out and pop it into another phone. I bought from fairphone but yes am in contact with murena for the other issues but it takes forever to get a response.b I’m regretting making the move to e/os.

You might try

Settings > System > Reset options > Reset WiFi, Bluetooth, mobile.

Okay, I have managed to get one SIM (esim) working, but oddly, nothing will load. It’s almost as if something is stopping the SIM and I’m guessing the WiFi from connecting to anything. WiFi says connected but nothing at all will load.

Did you try turning off all of Advanced Privacy (and ofc Aeroplane mode, Do not disturb) and a reboot to reinforce any changes.

Yes mate. It’s nuts, last night it was working then this morning not.

And just like that it’s now working again. Unbelievable! I just switched it off and walked away. Turned it back on and it sprung back to life! Thank you all. I can’t say what worked or what didn’t I’m afraid, perhaps nothing, perhaps something, but it wasn’t immediate.

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