Alternative keyboards for /e/?

I use OpenBoard. For me its better than anysoftkeyboard.

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Hola Martín,
Para mi el “Swype” en Gboard funciona muy bien. Acabo que escribirlo así…
El francés no he instalado. Así que no puedo decir nada sobre esto.

Hi @martin3418
For me writing words via “Swype” works perfectly for me when writing Spanish words.
French i haven’t tried out.

Device: FP2 (but I assume this is not related to the device type).

I can find lots of language packs for AnySoftKeyboard on Fdroid but not the actual keyboard app itself. Do I need to download it from the /e/ app store?

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I couldn’t make Anysoftkeyboard work in european portuguese.
I’ll just hope that one day the default /e/os keyboard will have the swype feature.

Did you download/install the Portuguese language pack for the keyboard?

I did and it got installed in PT but the swype function didn’t worked. I’ll give it another try.

Hi @ff2u,
Well I’ve tried again and this time it works! In FR, EN and ES.
The only difference is that I installed it from Apps and not from Aurora store so maybe the APK on Aurora store was different (is it possible?) Or something else weird happened and made it work :wink:
Anyway, it’s much better like this and eventually TrackerControl detected and now blocks one tracker.

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@peschie1967. I’m using Openboard too. Both on my Samsung S8 and tablet S2.
I sometimes (actually too often) get frustrated by the weird behavior of the spacebar.
“Say I want to write this”

and most of the times I find

“Say want to write this I”

“Say want write to this i”

“Is thhappening only to mea?t”

The above was written as

Is that happening only to me ?

You mean, that you tip the wrong letter? or that the autocorrection makes the wrong words? I have switched off the autocorrection.

I mean that many times, it seems that the spacebar behaves like “back one character”.
I will try to switch off the autocorrection

Since last /e/ OS update, I lost the swipe function on the aosp keyboard.
I installed openboard, but I still don’t have the swipe function and can’t find it in the keyboard parameters.
Am I missing something?

Use anysoftkeyboard with swipe

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Is there any other option out there? I’ve tried the anysoft keyboard and the swipe recognition is rather maddening. With the google keyboard I could swipe entire sentences without error. With anysoft every other word is bad, the suggested fixes are worthless, and often it doesn’t recognize that I’m swiping and enters some random chars. I’m contemplating just installing the google keyboard, if I can find it…

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I had the same experience so I finally…

… installed Gboard (through apps or Aurora) and removed any network permissions for it.

How do you remove network permissions?

Settings->apps->gboard->Data usage->deactivate all data sliders

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Sorry about that @ff2u @tve… I have had a great experience with it. I just type a little more slowly and find it to work

A feature request for the keyboard (I am on /e/ Nougat):
Automatic text replacement, e.g.

  • type btw --> by the way

and especially:

  • type dd --> present date as 2020-10-26
  • type tt --> present time as 18:46

Or is this maybe already possible? I could not find it.