Category Topics

/e/OS Foundation & Community

New to /e/OS ? Check out the Getting Started section. Official announcements from /e/OS non-profit Foundation, articles & videos from the medias, and community sharing to a project in public interest.


Start a community of /e/OS users in your area. Read all about the events and activities planned in the days ahead in this section.
Showcase your creative side. Post photos or wallpapers you created in the Gallery.
We will try to add the popular or most liked ones to the ROM.

Using /e/OS

Need help using /e/OS ? Confused with app or system settings ?
Read simple [HOWTO]’s or get links to posts on the forum with solutions and workarounds to your problems.
Post your queries and suggestions in the User Queries section

/e/OS Smartphone Operating System

Learn about the latest & greatest /e/OS delivery, supported devices, features and available languages. Share your feedback so that we can keep making /e/OS the best for you!


This section will have a list of [HOWTO]'s available on the site. Share Installation Document suggestions
Help us build /e/OS better. Collaborate in the documentation

/e/OS Devices

Here you will find the device supported by /e/ arranged by their vendor names.
Please raise issues related to device in their specific sections.
To add a new device to the /e/OS supported list please create a topic in the ‘Request a Device’ section.
Checkout the list of Unofficial Device ROM’s

/e/OS auf Deutsch

Enjoy /e/ forum in German (join Deutsch group to contribute). Genieße das /e/ forum auf Deutsch (der Deutschen Gruppe beitreten um mitzuwirken).

/e/OS en Français

Enjoy /e/ forum in French (join Français group to contribute). Profiter du forum en Français (rejoindre le groupe Français afin de pouvoir contribuer).

/e/OS en Español

Enjoy /e/ forum in Spanish (join Español group to contribute). Disfruta de tu foro /e/ en español (˙nete al grupo Español y colabora).

/e/OS in het Nederlands

Enjoy /e/ forum in Dutch (join Dutch group to contribute). Gebruik het /e/ forum in het Nederlands (wordt lid van de Nederlands groep om bij te dragen).