BankID - new option for digital ID card

I hope I am not creating more confusion and I am worried I have not properly understood your problem.
For me to get BankID working on your phone (so you can sign and access everything in Swedish life!) I have had to log into my bank, not with BankID, but with the various digital token readers available (always attached with a USB cable), on a PC. The bank insist this is always the first step. After completing a few steps to get a ‘key’ such as agreeing to various things (as far as my experience goes) and provided that you do not have more than 3(?) BankIDs active a QR Code is generated on the Bank web page. That is scanned in the Mobile Bank ID. Then BankID becomes active on your Android phone.
For example I have BankID running on a OnePlus6T and also Huawei P40. Neither phones have the capability to scan the Swedish physical ID card code on the reverse of the card As I said before what you cannot get is a digital ID on BankID but BankID works as it should for logging into all the things you need to log into.
Probably that does not help too much!

Maybe Im doing something wrong, but all I had to do with Swedbank/Sparbanken was to login to my bank app using BankID and order a new one, and then scan the QR code with my other device? No ID needed at all.
For reference, I was using an older tablet, Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 2016 T580
Android 8.1.0

Could it matter that this is an Android device (even though I was not logged into a Google account, but used Aurora store to get the BankID app)? Or is it just very different from bank to bank?

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What you are talking about is not BankID. Several larger banks in Sweden has their own proprietary legacy login and signing methods. In time they will be removed because they made them before BankID was a thing. Most other banks in Sweden only use BankID. My bank only use BankID. The amount of active BankIDs you may have also change from bank to bank. Some allow 3 some only 2.
About phones with no NFC support. This is still ok but you still have to be able to take a photo of your ID. Not every ID has NFC on them yet. In the future I think that they will force you to use a phone with NFC support. Probably when everyone has a NFC ID card.

This is how it used to be for me. But my bank now requires a photo of my ID before i can get a new BankID. Your bank (Swedbank/Sparbanken) has not activated this new feature yet. But they will some time in the future.

The second point about your test device. This would not be a problem for you because you have google play installed and when you got the photo question the app would not crash.
The version of BankID dose not really matter. I tried several versions of different age with the same result. It looks like the app gets what it needs form the server like a web app.

I understand. I hope my Murena device will arrive soon then, so that I can setup a BankID that lasts for 3 years, and then I will cross the BankID bridge when I get to it.

Yes, I know the ID would not be a problem since its an Android device, but I was thinking that somehow the Android device part influenced wether I needed to scan an ID or not… But I guess that is not the case then…

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