Battery draining on FP3

My FP3 battery lately has started draining really fast, I’d say double the speed it used to.

The app use only adds up to 25% so I can’t figure out what is causing the problem.

Did you update to 1.0? Then look e.g. here:

No, I’m on 0.23. No update is available.

In the view in your screenshot, tap the three dot menu again to show system use, too.

What exactly does it say for you in Settings - About phone - Android version (tap on it) - /e/ version?

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now I charged it but I’ll check when it discharges


p = Pie = Android 9 = will not get an update to 1.0. Support for Android 9 and older was announced as dropped recently.

Upgrading to Android 10 or 11 is manual for now (by default including a data wipe). An automatic upgrade via the updater is announced for Fairphone 3/3+, currently without a timeline.

If the drain continues, and if you didn’t reboot the phone already (not mentioned), perhaps start with a reboot.


I guess I’ll wait until the upgrade comes through the updater. Yes I rebooted before chargning it, the problem now seems to be gone, maybe it had been too long since I had last rebooted. Thanks