Browser shows list of tabs instead of mini-pages

My browser has switched the all tabs view just recently (3 days?). Previously tabs were shown as mini pages (up to four mini pages in the whole display). Now it is a list of webpage titles, one per line, about 10 to fill the display. No tab preview, no icon, no favicon.

I’m not aware of any settings change. How can I bring back the original all tab previews?

Additionally, once it is switched to “show all tabs”, the back arrow does not bring back the last visited tab. I have to kill/suspend the browser app and open it newly.

eOS 1.1-q
Android 10
/e/Bromite 100.0
No recent update should have been applied for over two weeks.

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Not sure here but check the tab-grid setting under chrome://flags/.

Type the following in the URL bar


and see if it is anything other than default. Even if it is you can choose from a number of grid layouts. Maybe select ‘Enabled’ or ‘Enabled New Tab Tile’ (like this one with the add tab button in the grid).


That said, I went through and tried all the tab grid options and cannot get a list of tabs like you’re getting.
Went through a number of other tab flags, disabling things, but still I always get thumbnails. Even after a browser restart I find I have to clear its cache before changes will take.

Not helpful I guess. If all else fails you may need to clear data of the browser and start over. Be sure to export bookmarks first.

Oh, when going to chrome://flags/, usually any non-default (manually changed) settings will appear first. Making it easier when needing to revert.

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Thank you for the suggestions.

No flag had been identified. No view change on flag change.

I exported the bookmarks. Thank you for this suggestion.

I deleted Cache and used Manage storage to reset the Browser settings.

No change: tabs are still a list and not previews.

I cannot find a good link, but this use of flags looks a bit buggy, perhaps use of flags is intended to be part of a temporary fix then expires (just a guess), the issue may also be part of … or linked to … an accessibility issue.

I recently upgraded Bromite using this method Daily tips to gain more privacy from Murena team - #72 by SkewedZeppelin

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I’ve the original Bromite as suggested. The view is the same:

I’m puzzled.

Did you already try to clear cache from Apps and notifications?

I cleared cache and data to the Browser.

I don’t know about any cache to notifications. Should I clear cache to any other particular app?

I find myself clearing data and cache from a lot of apps during the past 2 months (I speculate this due to some leakage perhaps coming indirectly from Advanced privacy?).

In this case, (my poor use of English) my suggestion was (just as you already did)

Settings > Apps and notifications > Bromite > Storage > Clear cache.

That is what I did for Browser.

Moreover, the fresh installed Bromite has shown the same issue.


what is your display scale set to? if you have it in on smallest apps may use tablet views instead

Display is set to small, font is set to large. This settings was not changed at the time the issue appeared. I do not see any other settings allowing to change resolution. It is an LG G5.

As of today noon, the tab view changed from list to thumbnails. I have no clue about the reason it happened so.

In the morning the tabs view was a list and in tge afternoon it was thumbnails as before mid July this year.