Connecting WiFi causes problem

So I’ve decided to come back to /e/OS as I value my privacy and data, plus I quite like the way it runs. However, on this install, I’ve run into a pretty big problem. Every time I attempt to connect to any WiFi network, it decides to freeze, crash and reboot instantly. I will be honest by saying I was on LineageOS 16, and I did have issues with it there where it would reboot at random times / not reboot at all for several hours. I did test it with my 4G and that seems to work just fine. I am running the ROM on a Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 (SM-A310F). I’m using /e/OS version 0.9-2020051454222.

Hi @cndopsec,

this is a known issue in the oreo build: Samsung Galaxy A3 restarts when connected to WLAN

The boot loop issue should be resolved as soon the pie build is available. Until then you could try the pie-test build that is available here: Device Roadmap : Pie , Q and Beyond - Part II - Test upgrade builds for supported devices

Direct Link to the a3xelte pie test-build:


I’ve now got that installed and wifi works, but one other issue I still have is it randomly shuts off for no reason at all. I can’t even get it to turn back on right now. Is there any kind of fix for this? I had this issue on Lineage as well :confused:

If you can’t turn on a phone, it’s not OS related.

If this happens again, try to hold Power + Home + Volume Down buttons at the same time for 10 seconds.

If it doesn’t reboot, it’s probably a hardware problem.

You could aso try to use the stock ROM but, there are privacy issues.

from what I’ve learned with the phone now is when connected to a charger, it’ll turn on, but reboot randomly. when off of charge, it will stay on for a while before instantly switching off and won’t turn on again until you connect it to a charger (although even then it may not work properly like that).

Looks like a hardware problem, maybe the battery.

Re-install the stock ROM (and don’t connect to the internet if you don’t want to) if you want to be absolutely sure it is a hardware problem.