Apart from the raised bug on the /e/ side, you could contact the App team and ask what fancy checks they are running on the phones (or try to mildly spur them on with “The German App works, yours does not!” ) … according to https://protect.scot/terms-and-conditions …
“If you want to report back to us about your experience of using the app, or want to report any problems with the use of the app or the Services, please contact us by e-mailing testandprotect@nhs.scot.”
I just checked my updater but there is no update available, does it take some time until it get offered to me? I use /e/ now for almost one week and I an super happy with it. Strangely until now I never received any updates - no application updates through the Apps nor OS updates. Might there be something wrong or do I just have to wait?
This update has been published for the dev branch and you are on the stable branch. It should be available for you either at the end of this week, ot next week.
Ok i’m on dev branch.
Someone on Commown told me about IMG-e-0.13-q-2020120889008-dev-FP3 update but when i check for update OTA i still remain on IMG-e-0.13-q-2020120789006-dev-FP3.zip and no new update is proposed for my FP3+ device.
Otherwise i don’t see new updates on https://images.ecloud.global/dev/
What? Didn’t know that, pretty interesting. May I suggest to include a stable/dev tag in the OS release name? Would be much easier to determine it that way by looking it up on the phone.
On my FP3 the 07-Dec-ROM shows (nearly) no unexpected behavior, I’m satisfied. The only problem so far: two apps are permanently crashing (MS Onedrive, MS Sharepoint), but this may be microG-related. It’s the same issue with LineageOS-MicroG 17.1
I updated my trusty [Magisk rooted] Moto G4 with the new version. I had some issues due to my own carelessness and had to rebuild by phone from scratch but, as I said, that issue wasn’t caused by the new version.
The new version is up and running on my phone. I find that i have fewer crashes than before. My phone used to crash about once a day (something to do with Bluetooth - I have always had this problem) but with the new version, the phone crashes maybe once every 3 to 7 days - longer if I reboot daily. Even the Apps store seems to crash less than it did. I’m quite happy with the update.
I’ve upgraded my FFP3 on the 14th and everything went well until I want to use my bank app (LCL).
It keeps crashing even after a reboot.
It needs MicroG but seems to work I received push notfications but cannot validate.