/e/ and cellphone provider tracking

Only the best of everything for the 70th, @Andy1

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Happy Birthday Andy! Well it appears that the art of surveillance is totally insidious in our world. We can only do our utmost to escape as much of it as we can.

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Hi Andy, this appeared in the New York Times Dec 2019. Another great article on tracking via smartphone.

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Google, on a phone in airplane mode AND without even a SIM card WILL track you. Extensively.
Look at this investigation, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daDXzBOCeMw


Thanks but YouTube IS goolag too :wink:

@trefix: I agree.
But do you suggest to never share stuff from YouTube? The fact is that there is lots of unique and valuable content.

For your information, you could use an Invidious instance to share YouTube videos.

In my browser, that link says
– As of September 1st 2020, invidio.us has closed down.

Yes just use one of the suggested instance.

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Ah, now I get it, thanks.