eCloud data accessing by administrators

Hi M.arc,

One of the administrators with access to your data here :slight_smile:

I think it’s not easy to design a system where those who have to keep the platform working don’t have full access to it.

This is the primary reason. We need to make backups, perform upgrades, reset passwords, etc.
We are planning to enable the end to end encryption plugin in the second half of the year. This will allow you to store files secured with a key only you possess while still letting us do the work of maintaining the platform.

You can also host your own ecloud or a plain Nextcloud as linked above (no e-mail server included in that case). You may also be interested in our pinned post “Security of”.

If you still want to help us, there are many ways in which you can do so:

  • become a tester or translator
  • report bugs and feature requests
  • make a donation
  • purchase an /e/ phone
  • just spread the word

Kind regards,