Erase pictures e/OS ffp3+

I can’t find a way to delate pictures on my phone. I can’t find the option in “files” or “photo” app. Anybody out there who can help a complete beginner? I would be very grateful!

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

The issue might be that you may not be able to delete from “Timeline” in Gallery or from “Recents” in Files.

So in Gallery, please select Albums at the foot of the page, enter an Album, there is a trashcan symbol available if you select one or more images. You can also open individual images from the Album, when you touch the image, briefly a trashcan appears then leaves if unused.

In Files, you need to bring in a menu from the top left corner. In the lower part of the left pane your Device shows by codename. Tap that and navigate to image folder, maybe DCIM. Now you can select individual images and a trashcan appears.
Similarly your SD card can be navigated from the left hand pane.


Thanks a lot - that works!

Hi Eli,

open the app “Gallery”. To delete more than one photo: choose the outer right “tick-button” on the top and tick the pictures you’d like to delete, on the right top there is the bin.

Best & enjoy!